SpaceOff/BlastOff: Spaceliner Build-off anyone?

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Im in... We need to establish some sort of bounderies though dont you think? Ive seen anywhere from a JCH all the way to a muscle bike build-off. im not saying limit it to just Spaceliners either. I think the reason this site is soooo successful for all of us is that of the SIMPLICITY of the builds yet the REFINEMENT of the CREATIVITY! So lets establish some guidelines! What do you think?
i'm in, and to all the new england guys I've got two others both ladies but if someone really wants in on the build off let me know
Like I said at the beginning, I'm a fan of as few rules as possible. As far as I'm concerned, a space-themed bike to start out with should be the only criteria. This isn't an official build-off, and really I just wanna see as many spaceliners/space-themed bikes(flightliners, fire arrows, cosmic fliers, etc.) out here as I can... So as few rules as possible is my vote for this thing... But let's see what you all think? I'm building mine regardless of a build-off or not. Just lookin' for some other 'Liner pilots to cruise with. :mrgreen:
I'm in. I was holding off on mine until the next buildoff anyway
OK so far I'm seeing roughly 10 people here that are down for the cause. I say we do it! Space-themed bike build-off. Called either the Blast-off or the Space-off. Flightliners, Galaxy fliers, cosmic flyers, Meteorflights, missiles, anyhting space oriented. Heck As far as I'm concerned you could even turn a cantilever-framed bike into a spaceliner-type frame if that's what you wanted to do. It's just for fun, so there really isn't/shouldn't be any criteria other than a time line and a space-type bike to start with. I think the blast-off would probably be the best title so as not to exclude the non-spaceliners(technically mine isn't a spaceliner. It's a western flyer version of one...) And as there isn't really a criteria, there probably won't be any judging... I wouldn't want to be the one judging here... Maybe a voting setup or someone from outside the Blast Zone should pick the winner(Any ideas RatRod?)... Also how do we go about getting an official thread for an unofficial build-off? Anyone have any ideas on the timeline(start to finish criteria)?
i was actually hoping to get the muscle bike build-off going first.

i guess the order doesnt matter, but it was discussed first.
well, I haven't heard about the musclebike build-off at all... I sent a message to RatRod... We'll see what the boss says. Like i said, I'm gonna build mine regardless, I just wanna see more 'Liners out there. Not tryin' to step on anyone's toes or nothin'.
I remember hearing about that a little while back. As long as they're both going to be unofficial, why couldn't they both go on simultaneously? Not like its going to be a big deal like RRBBO3 was... Just a few guys posting their progress. I see no problem here. On the other hand, if its going to upset anyone, I'm willing to hold off 'til whenever. My spare Spaceliner frame's buried behind about 30 bikes and 3 motorcycles at the moment. Maybe I'll throw my hat in to a muscle bike build off as well.
K here's the deal folks: RatRod sent me a message asking for the rules and he'll make a spot in the forum for this build-off. Maybe we should call it a build-up instead, as there is no judging. I, personally am a fan of no judging. I kinda just started this as a way to get more 'Liners out in the atmosphere. More on the road. To see what people are doing with theirs. I personally think the spaceliner type frame is a thing of beauty, and wish I could see more of them around... So if we're gonna do this, I just want everyone to know there won't be any judging, and I want anyone's input on rules. As far as I'm concerned, you need to end up with a spacy bike. If you wanna start with a cantilever-type bike, hack out the top bar, straighten the seat-stay tubes and add another pair of top bars(I've thought of doing this before. That's why I bring it up) and end up with a spaceliner clone, cool. You got a flightliner, cosmicflier, meteor flight, any other spacy type bike, build it how you wanna. In my mind, this is more of a showcase of space bikes than a competition... Any other rules/ideas? When do we wanna start and be done by?
RatRod's waiting for the rules til he sets up the posting place. Like I said before, I'm a fan for as few rules as possible. Basically the biggest rule we need to establish(besides having a spacey bike) is a timeframe. Also, a build diary with pictures would be sweet. And remember, this is a non-judged event. Just a spacey build-up and show-off, and a way to inspire those who have spacey bikes kickin' around but haven't done anything yet to finish them. I think 45-60 days is ample time with a start date of, say, January 15th, but I guess I just wanna get everyone's input. If I don't hear back from people about rules, I'll write up something that resembles a rule set covering everything I've talked about here and send to RatRod on the 5th, as I will be away from computers until then. If anyone has any issues with any of my suggestions so far, or any ideas, please let me know. I'm trying to make this OUR event, not just mine. :mrgreen: