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I used to see outrageous shipping charges on ebay alot, buy it now $1.99 and $20.00 shipping for a $15.00 part. Thats how they would get around ebay's final value fee but now ebay fees are based final value and shipping charges. I personally have bought something worth $15.00 from some one for $15.00 and $5.00 shipping when there was another one just like if for $3.00 plus $17.00 shipping.

It does tick me off to pay someone a shipping amount and see it was less than 1/2 that to ship but I knew going in what the shipping charges were going to be.
Don't call it shipping iff it's NOT shipping, It's pumping up the price of the part + a portion for shipping. And sellers should NOT get angry if the buyer at the end says NO. I've had the "YOU'RE WASTING MY FREAKIN' TIME " and the "Dude I already boxed it up " guilt trip when the final amount of shipping is given. You young buyers out there, Don't be guilt tripped into buying a part you think is too high.
O.K. I'm done.
we have to get the post office to offer bicycle boxes in the if it fits it ships catagory :lol: flat rate shipping works for