Hope everybody in the area is okay

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Aug 3, 2010
Reaction score
Body: Kokomo, In... Mind: in the gutter. Soul: in
Rating - 100%
2   0   0
South kokomo got hit hard by tornados but I'm ok guys. I heard Illinois got it bad too hope everybody is ok. Keep everybody in your prayers.
Glad you are doing well.
I was just in Peoria this past week.
I know our south end Schwinn shop was pretty much demolished so I'm gonna be keeping an eye on a certain dumpster. :wink:
outskirtscustoms said:
I know our south end Schwinn shop was pretty much demolished so I'm gonna be keeping an eye on a certain dumpster. :wink:

Storm Profiteer! :p
just saw that on weather channel and came here to see if everyone was ok. glad youre alright osc, thoughts and prayers to the others. and this storm isnt over yet.
kingfish254 said:
outskirtscustoms said:
I know our south end Schwinn shop was pretty much demolished so I'm gonna be keeping an eye on a certain dumpster. :wink:

Storm Profiteer! :p

I just know what happens to scratch and dent items after insurance picks up the tab. Dumpster diving at its finest. :mrgreen:
I'm a long way south from Chicago (6 hours), had a tornado rip up 2 smaller towns in Brookport and New Minden, IL somewhere around 5 dead from those small towns ... heard Pekin, IL is in pretty bad shape right now ... prayers and sympathies to everyone affected out there :!:
washington il was pretty messed up ...bout 25 miles west of me !!! buddy of mines parents lost a house n vehicles
they say only one has passed from the storm so far ...but they r still doin search n rescue !!! missed my town ...it did get pretty nasty
tho !!! thoughts go out 2 all involved!!!
The news reports look pretty rough. Prayers going out to all of the towns that were affected.