Photo Theft?

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Flying Zombie

~:Undead Forever:~
Oct 13, 2014
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I'm sure it happens a great deal, given the awesome bikes within..
But if I happen by a page using RRB member photos of their bikes without giving credit,.
is it something I should mention least to the members it effects?

This is a Tumblr page, so its gonna run slow for some of you..

Within five pages I came across some seven of the RRB BUILD bikes..Grumpy Rumpus and Diablo Included.
Some of the photos are OF RRB members with their bikes..some I've never seen.

Half the photos werent watermarked..maybe ONE was...

If its any help.. Im not into making waves, but Im even less about theft..
weighed out what to do and came here.

The weakest bike in that collection is mine and I'm not even mad


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I gotta say, I think photosets are the kind of thing where they're putting you're bike up b/c they think it looks cool and, even though they're doing it to make themselves look cool too, it's basically kind of just a form of appreciation. Yes, ideally, they would give credit to the original photographers and the bikes' builders, but that's more about manners than it is about morals. If someone puts a pic of your bike up on their flickr or tumblr, you should be minorly flattered that some kid thinks so highly of your bike. If someone puts your bike up on a photoset but neglects to give you credit, you should be minimally flattered that some rude kid thinks so highly of your bike.

OTOH, recently on the "Strandies" thread at bmxmuseum, some flickr guy came on begging for more scans of vintage strand ads and more pics of hott survivor strandies, and the regulars over there recognized him from his photostream (where he basically re-posted everything cool ever featured on that thread) and gave him a well-deserved hassle about it. The guy actually handled it rather humbly/gracefully, though, which was rad.

What gets me more upset is when craigslist scammers put a photo of someone else's bike on their ads, b/c unlike a photoset where ppl are promoting awesome concepts, the scammer is using your picture (and, kind of, your bike) to try to swindle somebody for their own personal gain. That's just plain unethical.

Now, as a guy who tends to bolt together some rather low-buck and mundane bikes, I don't see a lot of this happening to me often. But, I can recall at least one situation where I was browsing a "klunker"-themed thread, and somebody posted a pic of one of my bikes. They said it wasn't theirs and all, which is cool, but they must've pulled the pic from either here or FB. To be honest, I felt deeply honored in a VERY small way... :crazy:
I ride around taking pictures of my bikes in front of graffiti art covered walls. I used to feel bad about posting them because I couldn't give the artist credit but eventually someone knew the artist who painted the picture and tagged them on it. Many of them thank me for posting the pick. Not only do I find out who it is but I get to see the other stuff they have done. I think eventually the owner will come forward and be happy their stuff is appreciated that's what a picture is for... But if I know who's work it is I will give credit...

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I gotta say, I think photosets are the kind of thing where they're putting you're bike up b/c they think it looks cool and, even though they're doing it to make themselves look cool too, it's basically kind of just a form of appreciation. Yes, ideally, they would give credit to the original photographers and the bikes' builders, but that's more about manners than it is about morals. If someone puts a pic of your bike up on their flickr or tumblr, you should be minorly flattered that some kid thinks so highly of your bike. If someone puts your bike up on a photoset but neglects to give you credit, you should be minimally flattered that some rude kid thinks so highly of your bike.

OTOH, recently on the "Strandies" thread at bmxmuseum, some flickr guy came on begging for more scans of vintage strand ads and more pics of hott survivor strandies, and the regulars over there recognized him from his photostream (where he basically re-posted everything cool ever featured on that thread) and gave him a well-deserved hassle about it. The guy actually handled it rather humbly/gracefully, though, which was rad.

What gets me more upset is when craigslist scammers put a photo of someone else's bike on their ads, b/c unlike a photoset where ppl are promoting awesome concepts, the scammer is using your picture (and, kind of, your bike) to try to swindle somebody for their own personal gain. That's just plain unethical.

Now, as a guy who tends to bolt together some rather low-buck and mundane bikes, I don't see a lot of this happening to me often. But, I can recall at least one situation where I was browsing a "klunker"-themed thread, and somebody posted a pic of one of my bikes. They said it wasn't theirs and all, which is cool, but they must've pulled the pic from either here or FB. To be honest, I felt deeply honored in a VERY small way... :crazy:

I can understand the Flattery aspect of it, even if unintentional..but like you say, on the other hand.. you have those taking photos to sell their bikes, and claim its in some resemblance to yours.. etc..etc.. I wasnt sure what to do.. Never been a part of a site I liked enough to encounter this as a realistic concern.

Im glad folks seem okay with it, kid seems to have a pretty dedicated blog, and good for him.. I just felt it might be good to speak up of unspoken...spokes. :39:

I ride around taking pictures of my bikes in front of graffiti art covered walls. I used to feel bad about posting them because I couldn't give the artist credit but eventually someone knew the artist who painted the picture and tagged them on it. Many of them thank me for posting the pick. Not only do I find out who it is but I get to see the other stuff they have done. I think eventually the owner will come forward and be happy their stuff is appreciated that's what a picture is for... But if I know who's work it is I will give credit...

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I think thats really cool, in the aspect that I myself do wall/aerosol art, and I paint under an Anonymous Handle, when I see work of mine used as a theme or a medium to backdrop something cool.. even an aspiring artist, Im impressed.. I suppose I never really thought it would be the same for something as a bicycle.. I guess its equal in intellectual property..craft.. so fourth.

You shouldnt feel bad about photographing graffiti outside a gallery, half the motivation of having it public is the inspiration it gives the public.
I suppose the same again could be said for our bikes.

Thanks for that outlook!~

I feel that once you upload your photo to the internet you lose all rights to it. You will always own the bike but the photos are everywhere. example: when I do a reference search for something for my western flyer. I find my photos within the first 10 pictures. Then as i scroll down I see the same photos atleast a half dozen times. Especially when you upload it to a free hosing site like photobucket, wetodddidracing, imageshack etc.. In the fine print it even says they can use your photos for advertisement of there website.
In my opinion there are two ways to steal. One is take someones photo and use it for your own personal use. Its on the internet and not much you can do about it.
Second way is walk up to your bike, your car, your artwork and takes a picture. They act like its their right to take the picture. Then they use the picture or sell the picture. They consider themselves an artist because they took the picture and claim it is their property.
some dude on craig's list was selling mongoose beast & using walmart pictures & a fellow ratrod bikes members bike picture ,just changing the name of the bike!
The type of photo theft that you speak of bothers me a little bit, but there's not much you can do about it. It's the price you pay for wanting to share your work and ideas. But what bothers me even more is that I looked over 27 pages of that Tumblr, and he didn't steal one single picture of one of my bikes! What am I, the chopped liver of custom builders? Not one of my bikes was worthy?
Honestherman if your car or bike (person, what-ever) is in public or at a public event, the photographer does have the right to take a picture, and the picture is owned by the photographer and can be used at his/her discretion. You, the owner of the car or bike have the right to ask the photographer not to take a picture, or to not post it online if you so desire. The photographer does not have to honor your request, but all photographers that I know will gladly honor your request.
If your car or bike is not in a public place, the photographer does not have the right to take or use a picture of your car or bike unless you specifically grant permission.
Photographers, magazines, newspapers, etc. who make a profit using pictures that they take, usually get a signed release from the person or owner, before they publish a picture. This is not always the case of course, especially since the internet, and all of the things happen that you guys are discussing.
Despite the attempts by many web programmers, ANY photo, video or audio on the www can be copied. It's technically impossible to prevent it. If you don't want your photos poached, don't put them on the web. But many of us bikers want to show off our bikes so up go the photos.

I have a friend in Seattle, 2000 miles away. One day he spotted a poster on the street featuring a photo of me and one of my bikes. He mailed to me. Thanks for the souvenir.
Honestherman if your car or bike (person, what-ever) is in public or at a public event, the photographer does have the right to take a picture, and the picture is owned by the photographer and can be used at his/her discretion. You, the owner of the car or bike have the right to ask the photographer not to take a picture, or to not post it online if you so desire. The photographer does not have to honor your request, but all photographers that I know will gladly honor your request.
If your car or bike is not in a public place, the photographer does not have the right to take or use a picture of your car or bike unless you specifically grant permission.
Photographers, magazines, newspapers, etc. who make a profit using pictures that they take, usually get a signed release from the person or owner, before they publish a picture. This is not always the case of course, especially since the internet, and all of the things happen that you guys are discussing.

Funny... Wrong has a RIGHT
Too many people have Rights that they do not deserve.

I guess a Thief was never taught Right from Wrong so all the other Thieves had to make sure the Thief had RIGHTS.
Maybe they done have the RIGHT, We just ASSUME they have the RIGHT. Maybe people just tell us they have the RIGHT.
I got my Butt Spanked when I did something wrong as a kid and I learned and never did it again. Oh and I am still alive, It was not abuse . It was just helping your kid stay on track, and learn right from wrong.

Ok. Sorry, Enough of a this rant that can not be corrected. Its a shame we have to lock our doors today. Closing them should be enough.

Hope some people understand my point.
Merry Christmas

I am talking about taking a picture with a camera before someone Gives you permission. What happened to asking before you Do something.
some dude on craig's list was selling mongoose beast & using walmart pictures & a fellow ratrod bikes members bike picture ,just changing the name of the bike!
Changing the name makes me think they wanted others to feel it was his/her intellectual property.. Ive seen folks use wallyworld ads for selling their bikes.. some folks unconsciously feel that people should see what it looked like new to get a feel for its possibilities.. same might be said for the stolen and reclaimed photos..maybe it was their idea of what you COULD be doing with it, and it promotes it to sell quicker.. but again... However theres no excusing changing the info on taken pictures lest it be about theft, money and the self interest in greed.
I feel you on this, but with whats been said.. Im kind of on the low now.. trying to see it from all angles before feeling the violation of theft. Im not saying at all your situation is unimportant, or something I myself wouldnt feel cruddy about coming across.. but Im at this weird point in my life where Im also just having trouble letting go of the stuff I cant change..

[I guess the same could be said for some adults, but Id sure like to work on it..]

Honestherman if your car or bike (person, what-ever) is in public or at a public event, the photographer does have the right to take a picture, and the picture is owned by the photographer and can be used at his/her discretion. You, the owner of the car or bike have the right to ask the photographer not to take a picture, or to not post it online if you so desire. The photographer does not have to honor your request, but all photographers that I know will gladly honor your request.
If your car or bike is not in a public place, the photographer does not have the right to take or use a picture of your car or bike unless you specifically grant permission.
Photographers, magazines, newspapers, etc. who make a profit using pictures that they take, usually get a signed release from the person or owner, before they publish a picture. This is not always the case of course, especially since the internet, and all of the things happen that you guys are discussing.

Funny... Wrong has a RIGHT
Too many people have Rights that they do not deserve.

I guess a Thief was never taught Right from Wrong so all the other Thieves had to make sure the Thief had RIGHTS.
Maybe they done have the RIGHT, We just ASSUME they have the RIGHT. Maybe people just tell us they have the RIGHT.
I got my Butt Spanked when I did something wrong as a kid and I learned and never did it again. Oh and I am still alive, It was not abuse . It was just helping your kid stay on track, and learn right from wrong.

Ok. Sorry, Enough of a this rant that can not be corrected. Its a shame we have to lock our doors today. Closing them should be enough.

Hope some people understand my point.
Merry Christmas

I am talking about taking a picture with a camera before someone Gives you permission. What happened to asking before you Do something.

Even as just a friendly courtesy.. even for the legal things., I feel you. Its a lack of respect..and rather it was legal to take or not, I feel if we feel unjust coming across it.. it was against our wishes, obviously.. but a clear lack of respect to not just ask, for humans sake from one interested mind to another.

Please understand that I didn't post to confront or argue, just to inform. For most of what has been said, I agree with you guys. Personally I have a real problem with anyone taking my photos and using them for profit without my permission, and without offering to pay for it. Not that I have run across it lately. Re-posting my stuff is pretty much OK with me as long as it is not used for anything hurtful or negative (or political). I guess I'm bothered most about the lack of control, and the lack of credit for my work. It's not something that I worry about much. Most all of what I post has been reduced in size to work well on computer displays, but would be unusable for large quality prints or billboards. Ha!

Here's a copy of what most photographers live by.

Now on to a very fine example of how it should be done. As we all know (and approve of) Ratrod uses our pictures to produce and sell calendars every year to help fund this site and keep it free for us. Steve asks for submissions of best quality photo files, and gives credit to the owner of the photo. He has permission to use each and every photo, since in effect this is a "for profit" activity. Of course, we all know that the "profit" comes back to all of us. Bravo Steve!
Changing the name makes me think they wanted others to feel it was his/her intellectual property.. Ive seen folks use wallyworld ads for selling their bikes.. some folks unconsciously feel that people should see what it looked like new to get a feel for its possibilities.. same might be said for the stolen and reclaimed photos..maybe it was their idea of what you COULD be doing with it, and it promotes it to sell quicker.. but again... However theres no excusing changing the info on taken pictures lest it be about theft, money and the self interest in greed.
I feel you on this, but with whats been said.. Im kind of on the low now.. trying to see it from all angles before feeling the violation of theft. Im not saying at all your situation is unimportant, or something I myself wouldnt feel cruddy about coming across.. but Im at this weird point in my life where Im also just having trouble letting go of the stuff I cant change..

[I guess the same could be said for some adults, but Id sure like to work on it..]

FZ[/QUwhat i meant was they used walmart beast pictures to scam people , cause they buy a beast & resell it to who is willing to buy it at a mark up , tey were not using the picture to show how it was new !