DIY Dog Wheelchairs

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Feb 14, 2011
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I know this is completely off topic so hopefully this is the right place for this. I have a two year old dog. He is a Catahoula leopard dog and unfortunately he has arthritis in his rear left knee. I have decided to purchase a dog wheelchair for him and in doing so I have noticed that the dog wheelchair design might be able to be made at home.

Is it just me or do anyone else think this looks like the main part of the frame is just a re-purposed car bike-carrier? Something that is easily found at most yard sales and thrift shops.

I have posted this on RRB because on this forums are some of the most capable and creative inventors I have seen. I figured someone has either attempted to build a dog wheelchair before or would just have some good brainstorming ideas.

I have gone ahead and purchased a wheelchair from a company called Dwanecart. Much in the DIY spirit, they offer their wheelchair as just the basic frame. You attach either 20" or 16" wheels to it. I will try to source some wheels from the local bike-kitchen. If anyone is interested in pictures I would be happy to post them!
I think it could be made. But Universal does not make sense. Depends on the dog. First picture has straps on belly or near his "area" I think that would rub him raw or hurt him. I could see a piece of material like a jacket on him with supports to the jacket. If the dog does not move his rear legs. I would put something under his paws for support there. If he moves the rear legs. Then that would not work.
Larger air tires would be easier on the dog than small 4 inch tires.
It all depends on the dog in my mind. But I would build one for my specific dog. as I would know what he does and does not do. and his size. No matter what you get. It is important to watch him so that he does not get rub spots or sore spots on him from straps. supports etc.
Good Luck