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Aug 27, 2022
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Not sure so dont ask, have stretching mind, maybe lowered, not fat wheels this time, got about 10 days or so.
2 frames from the kerbside and the old mongoose thats been a donor on about 3 projects so far!
Wish me luck
At the last moment before I chopped the centre post out I had a wild urge to utilise the swivel housing, the old one was an alley frame but I had another swivel joint spare that was steel, I'll rebuild it with the steel replacement and this will give a swivel point at the bottom, I'll add a spring later, ive got heaps
End of day 1, just a mock up, found some good wheels, by that I mean not buckled,
I'm gonna try to get the rear suspension working, it's going to be tricky if I wanna run this low,
The seat will be above the spring some place.
Was a good morning in the shed,

Late Edit... Im trying my hardest to retain the red 24" Flight BMX front end, the steering angle and crank position will remain in their factory set place's. the seat post and rear stays are all going, the line from the top tube will continue straight to the spring..or "springs" , I may need 2 springs given the length and leverage now happening!
Im also going to try and wrap the down tube around the back of the front tyre as best I can, you can see ive already run the long flat tube from the rear swivel to the front, I just have to meet them up! the 26" wheels were off that ally MTB of which the rear drop out assembly was donated from so they fit the rear properly but the front has little clearance but enough to just keep on truckin!
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End of day 2
I didnt get a lot done today but what I did do took an awful long time.
I cut the bottom tube out of the mongoose and shaped to fit.
I found a forgotten down tube off an old BMX/MTB hybrid cheapie, its large but strong, this will be for the bottom rail running from the bottom of the down tube to the rear swivel,
I then spent most of the day knotching and grinding out parts to fit, the cleaning up of the mongoose
the bottom end of the frame towards the front came out good, I wanted to hug the profile of the front wheel, If it bugs me too much i'll weld in a small gussett in the sharper angled join , the top section, to round the curve out better.
at the rear ive placed another bmx tube from the spring to the seat post just as a mock visual, to give an indication of the frames lines,
its amazingly coming together quite well.
Looking at it like this im starting to like the front end and riding postition, im now in two minds if I want a low riding position or utilise the seat post and use the factory riding position of the red flight BMX, in any case it will remain stretched in this guise, from here only the riding height and postion are yet to be determined!.... a stretched BMX???? Hmmmmmm, (just a thought)
If anyones wondering, I dont have a jig and havnt used one before, there is no tape measuring done on this as of yet, its all the good old eyeometer!
this is why Im trying to leave the original bmx together as whole , for alignment reasons, i then weld the add on frame bits until im happy and everything is together and tacked up strong, them i'll cut away the stays and things, it just helps a lot when not using a jig! nothing worse than cuttin a frame in half and then trying put it back together in a different manner while keeping it straight,its a hard task.
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End of day 3
Ive super tacked the whole bottom frame (large tac's, almost weld size) just enough so it dosnt break if i jolt it or knock it over (not even on a stand)
its all going better than expected, you can see the spring had to be lowered a bit coz If I lined it up straight with the top tube it was getting terribly close to zero leverage, I have only just above zero for leverage to start so ive tried to place the top tube end of the spring as far down as poss without compromising lines too much.
Starting to show some direction now....where is still unknown but we're a lot further on than we were 3 days ago.
Also a small collection of parts and off cuts growing by the day.

And straight outa the book of "Princess Harry" we have another right royal Blunder!
The stand is still mounted at the rear and ive been wondering about where else I could mount it.
You can see in the above pic ive chopped out the rear stays. I began cutting the bottom stays last and tried to get close to the BB to help in cleaning it up, I got most of the way through the first one and ran out of room. When moving to the other side to cut off the rest I had a brain storm to leave it there and use the stand mount on the red BB. "DOH". its a no brainer really!, so now I have to carefully repair those cuts and i'll use that mount for the stand, I rekon it'll look good there!

I need to put some disc boss's on the forks, you see hows theres still enough room to use this fork n wheel set up, the wheels are 26", the forks are off A 24' BMX?Mtb hybrid. so the brake mounts will be chopped off and ive got a number of cut up frames to cut the boss assembly off of!

While still terrible and way bigger than they need to be , my welding has improved, amp and wire speed helps an awful lot, especially if you get it close to correct. in this pic the bottom tube is sleeved inside the swivel and knocked in till it can go further! you can also see how when I use these MTB swivel joint, I always leave a good bit of tube when cutting them off, this helps keep the heat away when welding the joint onto other stuff!, I liike to leave them together, I keep em bound and tight and cool the work after each small weld!
End of day 4
Had a hospital appointment today so didnt get to do as much as I wanted, hence the night photo, yes I was back out there in the dark!
the frame is now built, and the only thing changing now is the crank and seat post position, whats happened is in my haste to build I didnt add in to the equation that the cranks on the BB are shorter for teens etc, ive also added the 26' wheel , replacing 24', so now we have a decent tire strike when trying to turn.
So after a speedy run in I now have to chop n move the seat post and BB back about 2-3" not that hard but time consuming, I cannot put the smaller wheel back on the front because ive fabricated the frame around that bigger wheel! it will look ghastly!

I looked everywhere but couldnt find a suitable piece to fill the rear void from the swivel to the top of the spring. I had to make something to fit, I found an old kids MTB frame that had been chopped previously so I began to make something.

Bang , smack, wobble, buzzzzzzzz! and this piece went in the rear to stabilize the rear end at the spring! which to my surprise is working really well, takes a bit of weight and travel is only small, the bike as a whole at this stage is still quite light, i'll weigh it after Day 5 to see where we are at, one things for sure its way lighter than "Blue Meanie" and im quite excited about that! its also very straight and im glad I left the red bike together while joining everything! my plan worked LOL,
And im finally getting in for my Hernia OP, been waiting 2 yrs so this is great too!
Was up before sunrise, rumbled through the mess and found some smalls, made a double length chain too, couldn't make excessive noise till after 9am,


It was a beautiful day here today, so nice I got stuck into it, measured everything with a tape measure this time and then just went for it 😍😎

I made up a sleeve system to rejoin everything,


You'll notice ive gone to a larger BB, I couldn't for The life of me get the cranks off the red BB, so I had this spare and on it gos. Can you see how I leave the red BB in place until ive measured and aligned the new BB behind it, everything will get tacked and welded, remeasure it then weld completely and its then that ill chop out the red BB.

Wow , was a big day in the shed, the whole day too!
I ended up having to sleeve both sides of the seat tube, I also left the stand base on this so I can use it later!


Had another old mongoose hanging in the shed, down it came and im eyeing off the bars and head set, this should bring the grips back quite a bit as now im more centered in the bike as opposed to originally being front biased!
The SOK "hand grip removal tool" made another brief but most effective appearance!

I put on the derailleur and made the chain to length, she's got a decent amount of flop at rest but tightens when under way, Yes I have ridden it round the block (1000 meters) even with only the one gear ,as I havnt connected the selector, there was no noise and it felt great . No brakes yet either but I just wanted to ride it LOL.
It is however remarkably close.....too close for my liking so i'll deal with that tomorrow,

So that concludes the end of day 5,
The test ride was fantastic, the bikes still very light and in the whole trip I didnt stop or even tire! it was only a cruise but if you can remember "Blue meanie", when I made mods to that bike, took it for a ride, only 150 meters and KABOOSH!!! was fatigued as ever!
So absolutely over the moon with the progress so far! can you all now see how ive removed the red BB and a bit of the original down tube, I have to cover that hole somehow...maybe tomorrow .
The bars have a cool street cred look but it just looks fast and like its a drag bike or something LOL. in this guise its actually still a touch out of reach, im left to either have a straight seat post or a different style bar that brings the grips back another 6" I'd relly like to take on some ape bars, maybe tomorrow as well....UH OH, tomorrows now looking fully booked !

Another angle,

and the End of Day 5

As said Another hard out morning in the shed, pulled stumps at mid day, got work tonight so it takes a good couple hrs wind down after a successful morning on the project.
I started by cutting out the chain stay to make room so I can have full selection of the gears. I found the last remaining piece from my very first air compressor, its now used as a boiler to generate steam for timber bending, nad it had the curve I needed so it got shaped and used, being mild steel its heavy but very small, at a guess 50-100g's. so not ride restricting at all in fact im proud to say that this is the first bike ive made that didnt have any mild steel until now, just this small piece. everything else is bicycle tubing, be it chro moly or cheap as chips high tensile blah blah, Notice I leave the wheel in and done up tight, this is to keep everything in alignment while welding etc, I just cover all the good gear with goat leather to protect from sparks etc.
The Idea here is to sleeve the yellow pipe into the cut chain stay, loop it around and under the stand base and weld it!
any way heres some eye candy!

After welding! see how ive had to move the stay over to allow full range of movment, all because ive lowered that rear triangle. im also contemplating running a roller someplace , theres lots of slack on the underside so i'll be monitoring that closely.


Who remembers "The Dukes Of Hazard" remember state trooper Enis, and how Boss hog called him a "Dipstick" all the time....Well thats me im afraid, A real Dipstick, can ya see how the top chain is somehow running under the seat stay, After I finished the stay's welding I put the chain on and was in disbelief, Not a big job to break and fix but messy and un needed! couldnt believe I done it, I even was careful in laying the chain down when I took the wheel off! "Sheesh"
You can also see here why im thinking about an extra tensioner or roller for the bottom chain return. it now may flop and hit the bottom, A test will tell.

I had a disaterous Royal Blunder when installing the seat Tube and BB to the bottom rail, (see huge Gap) the only piece I really wanted there and i cut it too short, while making myself extra work it turned out great! I just grabbed some scraps outa the bin and made some sleeves for the BB tube and another piece to smooth over the underside of the bottom rail where ive gone from rectangular tubing to round!
I put them in and it actually compliments the whole frame, which youll see in the last pic of the day!

Heres the sleeve for that huge gap


After welding I was quite happy with the result, Sort of smoothed out the transition from rectangle to round tube!
And as usual while still horrid to look at my welds seem be turning a corner for the better....sort of, but im hearing a much crisper crackling sound so im getting closer to the mark!


And that concludes the end of day 6. I took it for another test this morning , A whopping 2km return trip, theres a pic in "What have you been riding lately"
im really happy with todays frame work, smoothed out all the bad stuff going on, If I get time i'll have a go at smoothing that sharp corner behind the front wheel but as it stands we only got brakes and a gear cable tomorrow before final test, after that should be about tuesday maybe and shell be stripped and painted!
Still undecided on the bars, I really like the pink mongoose bars but im leaning towards forking out and buying some apes!
Well work got canned last night so I was able to continue with day 6 till the cricket came on air.
I started on removing the disc boss's off the blue meanies original forks,

These boss's were very small and I didnt have a lot to work with but this is the only set of forks that had them, after this I would of had to fabricate a brand new set.


On they went and they work well,


I then found an old kiddies bike that was thrown out down the road, it had the sexiest curvy little pieces in it, I couldnt help it , I chopped it up! its got really small wheels and its gonna be the front wheels for a pedal cart comming soon.

I only want a very small curved transition to help the inside curve on the down tube.


after shaping it looked like this


And then I welded it in, Its helped a lot but I now have to shape the backside of it to even out the flow! its all visual now, everything that has to be built is done!
I ended up connecting the front brakes too, i'll leave the rear brakes for now as im still undecided about bar choice
And this concluded the extra session of day 6. all going to plan. I came back from another test ride @8.30pm

had a break from the bike today, went out and grabbed some smalls, 5m break cable outers and bits, a couple new brake cables and a stop off at the thrift shop on the way home.
I was hunting an old BMX with high rise bars for the project, only small ones remained but I did find this 24" girls bike with the most rediculous set of wide bars.
So for the pricey sum of $10 ,I grabbed the whole thing!
A bit of rust here n there but they were straight and while not apes they do have a certain stance about them!

So I got to spend an hour or so swapping everything out, the new bars didnt fit the mongoose head set so I found an older one from the donor bike pile, it worked and i'll paint it up pretty!
Spent a good hour with wet n dry then polished them. they came up great and I cant wait to give them a real good rub when its due, for now its just a quick rub!
You'll also see ive used one of them shimano clicky shifters for the rear selection, there will be no front swapping of cogs, only the one sprocket up front, tooth # not yet decided but at the end of the day its only cruising so it really isnt too important!
Ya see that big hole at the end of the original red down tube, im planning on having a clear cover over it with a light inside shining out but downwards, theres a couple other holes like this over the bike but I was vcareful to hide them so they pointed down wards, these will get the same idea, a clear lens cover with a small bulb inside!...later on, ....much later.


So that concludes the end of day 7.
Tomorrow i'll connect the rear brake and the gears, A good test run then if all go's good i'll strip it and maybe have enough time for a flap sand.
For now work becons so im off for an afternoon snooze!
Day 8 started with the worst thing about this bike.... That rear MTB spring n swivel. I tightened that spring to maximum and it still sent kinetic shock through the rear end! it felt like a double pump n push but it upset the rythym of pedalling, so much so I had no choice but to remove the spring....HANG ON ... I did have a chat to the bloke at 99 Bikes , browns Plains QLD, they were great, loved my projects and we had a great laugh, even after ive spent $85 on smalls, anyway he said why not weld that spring solid so its just for show...its a show bike right! and with that advice I welded the center shaft so it cant travel, I managed to drop the rear an inch or 2 and she now looks even sicker than before!
it has transformed the entire bike!

1st thing was to remove the spring and weld this small piece on, I only wanted that rounded bush area off this mongoose mtb rear drop out, it fit snuggly round the steel shaft, the rest of the body is alloy of some sort! but the shaft is steel so I welded that in there and rebuilt the spring.

I was home by 2.30 am this morning so I attached the rear brakes , caliper and gear cables, had to make em new, everything went well,about 4am it was time to retire, all I had to do in the morning was test ride, but after the spring mods the cables I made were now too long, you'll be able to see them in the pics, they just sag a wee bit so they need a couple inchs off each, brake n gear cable's.
So then it was a test ride to the boat ramp, the usual 2km return test track comprising of a small gradient but over 75% flat run.
it was another stunning day down under!

Shes looking pretty low now, did suffer a couple heel strikes but not anything to complain about, I had to turn intentionally sharp and pedal to hit the ground.
I did however have quite a few belly scrapes when going up and down pavements and stuff, so really 98% of this bikes life will be on bitumen!

And last pic of the day....and im lovin my ten buck bars!
And that concludes the end of day 8, works picked up so after lunch im off to bed LOL!
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This is really like a DR Frankenstein bike. Perfect jigsaw puzzle that has come together from bits n bobs.