Did I mention tomorrow was scrap iron day?

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That sir is cruel and unusual punishment. I can't watch anymore! :cry:
I'm requesting this thread to be deleted! It is so inhumanely ex-bicycle.. whatever lol. Please tell me he is NOT going to bring them to the scrap yard.
Breathe easy Dingo - none of your stuff is on there. However, this is for real. I just don't have room for all this stuff anymore so some of it just has to go. This is actually the second load this month and I think the scrap iron guy is getting tired of me already.
:cry: Just bury them all. Think about it, 80 years from now some person will be finding very old bikes in their backyard... how Cool would that be? That'd be like finding a whole load of bicycles underground from 1928... I don't know, maybe I'm part dog. :lol:
Crassly said:
Breathe easy Dingo - none of your stuff is on there. However, this is for real. I just don't have room for all this stuff anymore so some of it just has to go. This is actually the second load this month and I think the scrap iron guy is getting tired of me already.

I bet, im considering taking loTS of my stuff to the scrap yard...
Crassly, are you SERIOUSLY telling me there are not all sorts of wheels, sprockets, chains, etc. that could be saved and reCYCLEd in that load? :cry:

That looks a tad drastic.

If that is the "easily discarded", you must have a "keeper" pile the size of Everest! :mrgreen:
if i still lived back up north ( im from montana) id be making a roadtrip on over to nd to help you clear out everything.

hate to see such things happen.
.....the Humanity!....the Humanity!......
been there done that.
I make a trip a month to the iron yard. you cannot possibly save them all and some that get thrown away should have never been built because they are junk to start with :)
the hard part is going to the scrapyard and finding bikes to bring home when you are getting rid of some lol
bikes breed more bikes!
I can't see anything in that photo worth saving. It's one thing when you live in or near a city and people can easily come get stuff, another in North Dakota. My family is from Park River, ND, that is some sparse country.

I'd say from the looks of the other photos I've seen, Crassly saves plenty of worthy bikes, all I see in that truck bed is a bunch of stuff not worth the time to doulbe, much less triple, quadruple handle.

I have a bone-heap out back that evey 3 months or so, I put up a free-ad on CL for, usually nobody takes it, or wants to know if they have to take all of it, etc...no shows, not worth the time. I call somebody and they come haul it off and make a few bucks at the scrapyard. I can't imagine Crassly has the time to try to get anyone to come pick through his discards.

Look at it this way, they'll get melted down and made into more BFK's that everybody seems to love.... :lol: :lol: :lol:
I see that some of you guys understand the situation. I do save the better stuff and all the neighborhood kids have free access to most of my piles - they all have ratrods or choppers. But like it has been said - you can't keep it all and at least taking it to the scrap iron dealer it gets recycled, certainly better than throwing it in the landfill. When I was preparing this load I did find a few that I felt were to good to toss, so I will try and list pics of those soon.
no worries, i throw stuff away all the time, once i strip off usuable parts the rest gets thrown away very quickly. ill tell ya though, it never gets easy watchin it go, im pretty sure the last frame i threw away called to me as i was walking away from the dumpster. deeep siiigghh
fast eddie outty
its all good crassly cause ive tossed out a load of motorcycle parts from years of building .
and bicycle stuff as well.

skoda is right . i see not much of a worthy cause to salvage in that load pic.

its a good thing youre doing- kids bikes and saving the good ol stuff and offeing it out.

plus i be gettng a saved one from you soon :mrgreen: just to lighten the load.

would be nice to keep it all sometimes huh?
I do understand your situation Crassly, but it is never easy to look at, and harder to do myself. I never throw anything away but what I need it soon after. Good on you for watching out for the kids, and letting them get what they need.
Dont know why but there are so many and you get tired of looking at them ,I scrap every raliegh I come across. I saw on ebay someone actually selling raliegh headbadges....I had to laugh.

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