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......So I'm working on my bike-car-dryer-cat shreader and I have that stinking special tool to pop that doo-hicky off, but I can't find it. So that leaves me to improvise and 14 trys later, the doo-hicky is NOT off and is mangled beyond the point that even if I had the stinking special tool for that doo-hicky, it won't come off with it. Then a small victory when the doo-hicky breaks and falls off but I see the clock and the doo-hicky store closed 11 minuts ago. At 8am I'm right there to get a new doo-hicky and get home where the new doo-hicky DOES NOT FIT!!!!! Back at Doo-Hicky-Mart, the 17 year old that gave me the doo-hicky the computer said was for my junk is totaly lost (imagine that) and has to get the manager. 20 minuts later he waddles over and bombards me with jargen and finaly finds a doo-hicky that I need but it's at our store that's 42 miles from here. 3 hours later and I've finally got the new doo-hicky on and what-ever-the-junk-thing that I was working on is up and runing again. And as I clean up the mess and kick the old doo-hicky with some satisfaction, I need to get some tape for another thingy and get the toolbox out that has the tape and stuck to the back of the tape is the stinking special tool. :?
You guys have a Doo-Hicky-Mart!!...Why dont we have one?? All we have is a Thing-a-ma-bobs R-us! :mrgreen:

Buck Masterson said:
Why do men have nipples?

Men have nipples because our sex chromosomes are "XY". The female sex chromosomes are "XX" That means the our X chromosome has some female attributes, therefore we have nipples but they do nothing because we don't need them. Also, when we were little kids, our voices sounded like girls due to this X chromosomes. That's why you never hear a little girl talk like a man lol.... High School Biology Class makes me a geek!!! 8)
Men have ugly nipples (just judgeing my own) so they can appresheate girl nipples. How do you spell apresheate?
Why is gravel called gravel when its in the drive way and a pile of rocks if it is not in the drive way? :?
Hey thanks Dingo on the spelling thing, i just got a little smarter today :shock: .
I really APPRECIATE your smartness and whillingness to share. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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