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  1. R

    52 Schwinn Fiesta

    Well it is no longer a 52. Just finished break down and it is 62. Hope to post photos when all pianted up. This is the first complete build I am going to do. One question can I sand down the chrome parts and paint them or do I need to find black parts?
  2. R

    52 Schwinn Fiesta

    Thank s for all the help. I will have apart this week sometime and let you know what I find.
  3. R

    52 Schwinn Fiesta

    From your pictures I would agree. I can't figure out how to attach my picture. Thanks for the help.
  4. R

    52 Schwinn Fiesta

    Ser# is buy the rear axle. Chain guard looks the same color. The bike is faded pretty good. I jst checked and did not see any other numbers just the five.
  5. R

    52 Schwinn Fiesta

    Ser # is F22968. It looks just like the blue one. I wish I found this forum about 4 weeks ago it sure would have saved some computer time that could have been spent on builing. I would be interested in a tank. I han't down loaded pictures to the computer yet but if I need to I can.
  6. R

    52 Schwinn Fiesta

    I found a site with chicgo schwinn ser # and the number match with 1952 Sept. production. It is a 2 speed auto matic. Other than that I am not sure. It is first adult womens bike we have purchased.
  7. R

    52 Schwinn Fiesta

    Does anyone have photos of a 1952 Schwinn Fiesta. I just bought one for my daughter and she is ready to get rebuilt. I can find everything but a Fiesta. Need to know if I should go original or go with the pink my daughter wants. We are missing the tank and front finder light.