Traditional & Unlimited Toggle Function

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The Renaissance Man

__CERTIFIED DIVER__ (Open Water & Open Dumpster)
Staff member
Pro Member
Nov 24, 2012
Reaction score
The Tropics of Alabama
I just made a discovery that others may not be unaware of, so I wanted to pass it along for whatever it's worth.

If you would like to separate the two classes for any reason so that only one class is listed at a time, just go to the⭐️ RRBBO #19 Build Journals ⭐️ page and then hover your pointer over any of the icons [yellow TRADITIONAL or blue UNLIMITED] and click it. The page will then only show the threads from your selected division.

I personally like seeing them all together, but if you're just in the mood for one particular voting class, you have that option!
That works pretty cool. I've found myself liking having both classes in the same forum though.
I can see that feature helping whoever builds the voting threads this year though.
I've found myself liking having both classes in the same forum though.


#moderators #RBBstaff @Cyclist