Saving a beat-up Brooks saddle (Updated: The End Result)

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Dec 14, 2007
Reaction score
Austin, TX
Rating - 0%
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I picked up this used saddle for $10. It was so cheap because the leather is cracked and a little torn (whoever owned it before didn't know how to treat it), but I think with a little care I might be able to get a few more miles out of it. Anyone have any good tips for treatment with a saddle with a little bit (a lot) of wear?



Re: Saving a beat-up Brooks saddle?

I like the looks of it the way it is...tho by looking at it,it could NEVER be comfortable or soft.(I'd use it and like it)

Rub it down with Saddle Soap.
Re: Saving a beat-up Brooks saddle?

use some silicopne for boot waterproofing.

get a good quantity and warm it up, then pludge the sadlle into it and let it soak up the will stay craked but will soakup the silicone and become soft again...
Re: Saving a beat-up Brooks saddle?

that is a b72 and a good score for that price. my one worry is the nose where the leather is ripping. i might try to wrap the nose with something just to help brace it otherwise yea soak it. i start with good ol motor oil to get some moisture back into it them follow with sadle soap. keep reaplying for awhile till nice and soft then ride it.
Re: Saving a beat-up Brooks saddle?

yes that is true but it does wonders for softening an old really dry crusty seat that is one step from flaking apart. and hey if you want a lighter shade just use 10/30wt rather than 20/50wt which would make the color darker :lol:
Re: Saving a beat-up Brooks saddle?

I don't mind darkening the color, it would match my spaceliner more, I think I will try the motor oil thing. I have some leather lotion that my girlfriend had from when she used to work at wilson's leather. You think that might work instead of saddle soap or should I try to track some of that down. As for the nose, I have heard twine might be good to bind the front, just for extra support. I would hate for that to give way while all 200 pounds of me was sitting on it.. :shock: :!:

Someone had a thread on here where they had drilled holes in the leather and laced string under the seat for support, you think that might be an option?
Re: Saving a beat-up Brooks saddle?

Here is the saddle rehab thread. viewtopic.php?f=3&t=5080

It doesn't look like your saddle needs it. I would condition the leather and use it, then determine if it is needed. Mine had lost all of its shape and was very soft because there was no structure. Nice score for the money.
Re: Saving a beat-up Brooks saddle?

The real reason I bought this (and why I got it for $10) was because it came from Rochester's "R Community Bikes" workshop. I really just made a donation to a nonprofit and got the saddle as a free gift :) I offered $20 but they would only take $10.
Re: Saving a beat-up Brooks saddle?

I liked the motor oil suggestion, that seemed like the most Rat Rod way to do it. So I soaked it:


As was predicted, the oil darkened the leather, but I think the color is perfect! I also gave it a few doses of leather lotion.


Some tinned-copper wire strung through it for reinforcement.


Even looks like a Rat here. That's Rat Rod!


A strip of heavy burlap wrapped around to cover the wire and offer some redundant reinforcement. And to look more ratty.
I took it for a cruise to test it's strength.


Saddle was holding up fine! I think it will be ok. Thanks everyone for your help! Keep on cruisin rat style!
