Rustoleum new spray top = fail.

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Apr 24, 2007
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I tried out this new spray head design from Rust-oleum. My hands are now covered in clear. They claim you can use the can in any angle but it leaks all over when just used in the upright position.

More complaints. It it has a wide flat spray pattern and shoots a lot of paint in a hurry. Quite wasteful when painting skinny tube bike frames. I suppose it would be better for covering wide flat surfaces. Left runs on the frame. Took hours to dry on a low humidity sunny day.
I haven’t seen that new spray top yet. I have used the other new top with the dial for different spray patterns. It seems to work OK, but I have a hard time gripping the can for more than a few minutes. I haven’t measured, but it feels like the can has a larger diameter.

I thought the old spray nozzle worked great.

I thought the old spray nozzle worked great.
This seems to be the new American way, over designed and unneeded changes. How many of those who redesigned the spray can have actually sprayed any more then a dot on a test wall in a controlled environment. Lots of people think it is the product that gets the results, most never consider that experience is the reason. Our DIY society lets the untalented think they can do things instantly without putting in the actual work to gain the experience needed to accomplish some tasks. I often get customers telling me the bathroom remodel they saw posted on tic toc didn't seem to take 5 weeks. Sorry to rant but being a home re modeler I have seen it all first hand. I have a certain phrase that will make me pack my tools and walk off a job, ready for it "Can't we just....." "We " hahahahaha
I've had so many spray cans stop working due to getting clogged up. Lately i've been storing the push buttons in a plastic peanut butter jar with paint thinner and a lid on it. Watch the plastic lid expand. But even the cans get blocked up. I think I need a method of using the rest of the paint from partially used cans. Keep a spare bike frame on hand for that. The insides of my trash cans are already a rainbow of colors from brush on paint from the initial cleaning of brushes or the recommended "turn the can upside down and spray until clear".
How many of those who redesigned the spray can have actually sprayed any more then a dot on a test wall in a controlled environment.
Speaking of a dot on a test wall... I stopped by my local Walmart to look for paint and the aisle of spray paint looks like a graffiti train car. Test sprays on other cans and the shelves.
Speaking of a dot on a test wall... I stopped by my local Walmart to look for paint and the aisle of spray paint looks like a graffiti train car. Test sprays on other cans and the shelves.
They put ours under lock and key because idiots sprayed it all over the shelves.
They put ours under lock and key because idiots sprayed it all over the shelves.
Ya gotta see what the color really is after it dries! That 'ole cap color match thing is a hoax!
Test it on the floors, the shelves, the guy's orange vest... ??? I worked at the Depot quite a
while back now. I've seen things. :13:
I think I need a method of using the rest of the paint from partially used cans
I think I remember @BartRidesEternal was using the last of his cans, he might have suggestions. I found a great set of instructions in another forum:

"Remove the spray button from the can.
Shake the can to thoroughly mix its contents.
Set the can down on a flat surface.
Using a file sharpen a small nail to a point and with a small hammer gently tap a pin hole just inside the lip at the top of the can.
A pinhole is all you need.
Just barely break the skin of the can.
Allow the pressure to fully escape, about 15 minutes.
Now similarly tap another pinhole opposite from the first on the other side of where the spray button was.
When all pressure has escaped enlarge both holes with a larger nail or phillips screwdriver.
These two holes will equalize the air pressure in the can so you may pour out the contents.

Now you need a suitable container to hold the contents.
You may use any soft plastic container i.e., polyethylene not hard styrene.
I choose either Ketchup bottles or Barbecue Sauce bottles.
Yeah, I do a lot of Barbecuing around here.
These bottles are constructed of soft vinyl like plastic which will not react with the chemicals in Enamel or Lacquer paints.
They also come with the benefit of having a small mouth opening so you may safely pour your thinned paint directly into your AirBrush Cup.

Gently pour the contents of the can into your new container and leave it open for about 4 hours.
Return every so often to swirl around the contents assuring that the gases get released.
The paint still contains propellant in liquid form and will create pressure in your new container if shaken.
Diluting it with the prescribed amount, 35%, of Paint Thinner will deactivate some of this tendency to bubble up and boil over.
I screw on the cap, gently shake the bottle and very easily loosen the cap 4 or 5 times repeatedly to allow all remaining propellant to escape."

There's also a method there for transferring paint from the can when you still have propellant function
Yes, you are right @MattiThundrrr !

With the granny build, my 'chocolate brown' spraycan was empty. But there were a few touch-ups needed due to paint coming off with the tape.

So I think I pushed the button with the can upside-down till all the gas pressure is relieved.
Then I used a hacksaw to open it and touch it up with a pencil.

Important note: The paint dries quickly! So here are a few tips:
  • Prepare you bike and your tools (cloths, pencil, etcetera).
  • When cutting it open, don't turn the can that much, tilt it and leave it in a workable position.
  • And watch the balls, they will fall out and paintdot anything they fall on... your dog, your cat, the floor on your new white pants ;)

I cut 5mm / 10mm from the bottom, since there is most of the wet paint. And you have a little bath.

I mostly use sparvar via . Some sort of graffiti paint.
I really like it, since it dries pretty quickly and is pretty tough.
Only difficulty with this paint: Its makes this huge cloud of paint and you'll probably paint more bikes than you anticipated!

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