my late entry just arrived girls firestone klunker named simply klunkin

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Jun 3, 2012
Reaction score
arkansas city,kansas
well better late then enver I guess. but here is my entry for boten this is my first buildoff entry so if I make a mistake in my postings by all means let me know and I will change it
the beginning a ladies firestone warrior.
I haven't got a name just yet but I will have one tonight once I think of one.
plans are to put atb bars on her and knobbies and remove the fenders basket chainguard and bars on her already.
I will psot pics of my parts tonight as soon as I dig them out.
without further adieu here is my entry. to be named later.

simple building no welding no painting or anything just adding parts I have laying around
more updates soon.
well allow me to show you her current state lol
she is torn down and awaiting cleaning and re greasing
but first, a little goofing off picture of the parts and making use of the wald basket lol

I really like the basket mgith have to keep it on another bike it's huuuge lol.

these are the tires I will be using.

I might use these forks but undecided just yet.
still undecided on seat bars and forks so I have both choices I anrrowed it down to.

here she sits in her current state all torn down the forks are coming off tomorrow I ran out of daylight.

messy yard my wife must really love me she was right in the middle of the teardown lol

rear fender was seized on but ti came off, however a lil oopsie doopsie

the brace at the bottom of the frame broke off which im not too worried as I will not be running fenders on this one

the parts that are not being used may sell some may use some on other builds all are good and I will not be getting rid of them ( I have a problem lol)

next step is tightening the spokes on the rims regreasing and cleaning everything and beginning reassembly and making sure everything fits. simple and no frills just the way I like ti using what I got and that is it.
more updates soon.
Klunk on brudderman!
That's how I'm building Artemus,just a bunch of parts I had.
I love the creativity of a full custom build,but really like seeing the ingenuity of all bolt on.
my kinda build I will have to check it out
I agree I love the creativity and skills of the full on builds but im a simple no frills person and I like my builds to reflect me in some ways
Nice clean bike to start with. I'm digging that WALD basket... just like the one I used for my paper route back in the day. Those baskets are tough! Smashed many a plastic trash can in the winter with it. They would shatter.:crazy:
Nice clean bike to start with. I'm digging that WALD basket... just like the one I used for my paper route back in the day. Those baskets are tough! Smashed many a plastic trash can in the winter with it. They would shatter.:crazy:
that must have been awesome to see!!! lol yeah I love the wald basket definitely going on another bike.
heya luke!!! glad to see you brotha
well I did some mocking up and found out I cannot run the original rear tire I was going to run so I swapped it with an old tractor grip I had laying around.
but here is the mockup I am pretty happy with it other then I may run caliper brakes as well as the coaster as I have had bad luck with coaster brakes lol.
here is the front view I went with the grey huffy forks as I recall the suspension forks i wanted to run are no good and do not take these older wheels to easily.

the rear view with the tractor grip tire I do not like the look but it is closest to a knobby I have at this time.

some cracking but there she be tractor grip lol

the side view as you can see shes been stripped of any unneccesary parts minus the wheel reflectors which I kinda like

now to tear it all down grease and lube tighten the spokes and make some adjustments and air up the tires I may paint the forks and bars in silver but that is undecided yet. trying to keep it simple and low budget.
more updates soon

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