greetings from Sunny Singapore!

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May 22, 2008
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actually, its more humid than sunny....anywhos...
my name is oh chu san, and i recently re kindled my long lost love for bicycles. (due to the current fuel prices)

came across this site when i was doing a search for 3inch wide tires.
been lurking in these forums for the past month or so and only now decided that i would be "safe" to join up as a member.
what i like most about this bike forum is that no one (that i've seen so far) here dictates what someone else's bike should or shouldn't look like. freedom of bicycle expression is always a good thing, acceptance is nice too!
i sure like me, we all would like to be accepted for who we are, what our tastes are and not judged even if it is "off" a little.

and that is the vibe i've pick up here at ratrodbikes! kudos guys and gals!

i've been in "other" bike forums where the peeps were, well, not so nice?....haha ah well...

and the bikes i've seen here so far, are all really REALLY refreshing! all different from the next, many, i mean MANY, i would even consider masterpieces. and the icing on the cake is that you guys are sooo laid back about it! its amazing!

i remember my first "freak" bicycle back when i was in the 4th or 5th grade.
attached a 29" gentleman's bicycle fork to my raleigh chopper and had myself a chopper... literally!
that bike has long since disappeared, can;t even recall what became of that one.
then came ET the movie and as a teen, i just had to have one of them BMXs! those too also have long since rusted away.

that was the last of my bicycle purchases until about 10 years ago, give or take a couple...when i bought a raleigh retroglide.

and my most recent online purchase was a stretch cruiser, (which i'm working on right now) where shipping was almost the same as the cost of the bike! :shock: :roll:

will post pics when i get home.
HELLO & WELCOME!Doubt you'll have one bike for long! :wink:
WELCOME! Can't wait to see what you come up with........Post some pics of bikes in your local area!
thanks for the warm welcome guys...

hmm. i can't seem to get the pics to work...

can you guys see this?
Hello from California, I got to visit the Island in 1994 while on deployment aboard the U.S.S. Frederick what a blast. Welcome to the forum you're gonna love it here.
hey ther new guy !!! and welcome !!! cant see the pic yet, but im sure it'll work out with a little work, the code looks right though. Friendly bunch here and glad to add ya to the group. Dukes right tho, bikes multiply quicker than my mortgage rate !!!
Like Ed McMahon says, "HI OOOOHHHH!"

Sorry, I just had to. I'm sure you've heard that many times before!

Just like others have requested, I'd love to see some pictures of your local bike culture if you ever get a chance. Things like what people ride to work, bikes used for deliveries, improvised and rat rod bikes from your part of the world. Things like that are always interesting. Plus, it would probably give us a few ideas of our own for later builds.

I haven't done anything with 3" tires yet but from what I hear two of the things you need to be aware of is whether or not they will actually fit in the bike frame. The other thing is chain clearance, the tires might be so wide that the chain rubs against them.

And now there's even 4" tires! Talk about a comfy ride!
hahaha....yes yes, i get that a lot.... i wonder why??? :roll: :lol:

anywez, we do have sorta like a "underground" chopper cruiser bike culture here...but a really small one. the mainstream is hardcore MTBers and roadies.... but the chopper/cruiser crowd is growing though....honestly, although i've had my cruiser for more than 10 years, i never rode it much, till lately, so i guess, i'm a newbie too!

post pictures? i'd sure like soon as i figure out the issue with the photobucket thingee. stay tuned guys....

and i guess, the bikes i own aren't really "rat rods" per se as they were purchased new, although i am doing some stuff to my stretch cruiser as i type. (pics will follow)

i just love what you guys are doing with them old, abandoned frames etc and coming up with these objects of rat coolness....perhaps i shall cave under the influence and give my mint condition Retroglide a rattle can paint job???.....erm.....nah, i can't do it! i just can't! its sooo pretty and unscratched!

perhaps i'll go hunt down a cheap frame and go rat that one out?...we'll see, but thanks for all the inspiring ideas and pictures that you guys post up! keep up the great work!!! and i'll try not to let you guys down.
ok, i'm a trying again,
this time using flickr....
is this working for you guys?...

hey! i do believe it is working! wooohoooo!!! now i'm in business!!!! :mrgreen:
well, this is my 10 year old bike with a new set of wheels taken from my stretch cruiser!...she's a real blast to ride and quite a head turner round these parts....just cuz they're so far and few in between here in SG.
here's one of the stretch i was talking about. this picture was taken before the teardown. current;y doing some minor works to this one.

here's a picture of the rear end off a donor Gomier Trike.

a closeup shot of the 5 speed rearend, comes with a drum brake, dunno how effective these are though.
That's gonna make a "wicked" trike!
hello guys...thanks for the super positive response! :shock: :D.
btw, i've started a post in the builds thread, keep checking back there for updates of my trike project.

anywez, some of you were asking what the bike scene is like here in SIngapore, i managed to take some pictures while i was at work today..

some of you may know ORCHARD ROAD???. its the most famous shopping area in SG, and if my local history is any good, i think its named Orchard road becuz it use to literally have "orchards" here....even till today, in urbanised SG, there seems to be lush growth of a different sort of tree's a tree that grows only in this part of the world.....very lucky to get an "in season" photo..its called "bicyclis citrus" trees.....
check out these pictures.

hardy plant these trees....they even creep along the metal railings....

They better not leave the bikes there too long or they'll end up like this:

Thanks for the pics! In case you were wondering, this is what the culture is like in Cleveland:

He's either thinking about bratwurst, LeBron James, or whether or not he left his 8-track of Billy Squire's greatest hits playing in his car.


They generally act the same way to anyone of color, with an education, or who wasn't born and raised in Cleveland.
haha that bike with that tree grown around it is a riot!....and thanks for the little insight into your world! very interesting....

8 tracks!!! haha i remember those!! i remember my uncle having one in his ford capri!...