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Oct 5, 2008
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north vernon, indiana
Rating - 0%
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i gave our neighbor kid across the street a bike today. it wasn't nothing special, a vintage flying o by otasca bmx bike. you would have thought i gave him a million dollars! i came home tonight and he has already painted the frame red and blacked out the wheels and bars! i will try and get a pic of him with it and post it!
sensor said:
thats nice of you :mrgreen:
youve got to remember that at that age its about the same as someone walking up and saying 'heres a car for free'

last weekend na's nepthew stayed with us. his fathers a dead beat and wastes all his money on disk golf. don't have much time for the children he has scattered across ontario. the kid (hunter) is a hand full!

heres how the weekend went (in a nut shell)
o.k. first he showed up with shoes that smelt so bad, when he removed them, we put lunch on hold an took him to walmart to buy new shoes and socks (didn't have an extra pair) i mean the shoe's were foul. i'd be down right embarrest to send my kid anywhere stinking like that, let alone to family for the weekend.

the rest of the weekend was "can i have this, can you buy me that,oh it would be really awsome if you guys bought me that dirt bike from canadian tire ($1400) maybe we can go to mc donalds for breakfast and the mandarin for lunch, hey i need this, can i have that, oh i want i want i want!

i had alittle talk with him about being greedy, proper manners, and how children that didn't ask for everything got alot more than children that beg all the time. we also had a talk about money, and making his aunt feel bad when he's constantly begging.

now we baught him a bike last year, but apparently he hasn't riden it much. its had a flat tire as long as he's had the bike, and papa has made no effort to fix it for him.
so on the way to pick up smokes i saw this mongoose for $10. it had a bent crank, flattened rear wheel torn grips,flat tires etc.
i dragged it home, and i spent the morning with hunter, teaching him how to change rims,tires,grips etc. i got him to wash the sticker residue off the bike.we gave it new tires, fixed the crank, gave it new grips etc.
when we were finished i told him, good work, this is your new bike.

he was very very excited, but i didn't even get a thankyou. so we had another heart to heart about manners costing nothing, and people thinking better of you because of them.

we jumped on the bikes and went for a cruise. we had to stop to chat once again about traffic in a big city, riding single file, paying attention to others and being aware on the road. hunter kept locking up his brakes infront of me (was on lucky 13 with the coaster front brake only) so we had another talk about paying attention.

we rode by the garage sale and fell right back to the i want this i want that. he saw a telescope i guess he wanted ($100)
and said, "oh i'd like you better if ya bought me that"
my reply was, "well it was the bike or the telescope and i thought you'd like the bike better"
his reply" well you should just buy both for me" and we had yet another little talk about greedy children.
still he was after the telescope and the entire way home, "maybe we can go back and get it", "would be cool if i had both etc etc"
he was so worried about that telescope, he ran into nadine so hard it knocked her clear off her bike. i mean flying like superman knocked off her bike!
i was pissed! (but hid it well)i asked him "didn't we talk about paying attention"

and the reply "well i learned my lesson now, if i'm good the rest of the weekend can i have the telescope?"
i was ready to snap, but hid it well. i told him the lesson should have been learned before his aunt ended up with a bloody knee, sore back/leg from an crash that didnt need to happen if somebody had been paying attention.

he also learned ya don't always get what you want, and he pouted until he went home on sunday.
i told him unless he changed his attitude, he wouldn't be invited back for the weekend and he still acted like a misrable spoiled brat.

of coarse as soon as it was time to leave, he was back to happy go lucky hunter that wanted to stay all week. he even called his father and asked if he could (without asking us)

so again he pouted all the way home. no good bye, no thx for having me over, just i didn't get what i want so i have no time for you.

now i know that alot of this is due to his dead beat dad (single dad living with his new girlfriends/kids) but theres no excuse for the lack of manners. he does have a very loving/supporting family (including us) and he never goes without. it just dad that doesn't do much for him. he's constantly hitting up na's father for money cause he spends all his on disk golf. (how much can a god dam frisbee cost?)

not all kids think a new bike is like a new car, some of em just assume the world is theres and there entitled to everything!
I have given more bikes away than I have ever sold. The worst I ever did was to give a kid a vintage ccm mustang because he really wanted one so I let him have it . He traded it two days latter for a mountain bike. When I asked him why he just didnt get a mountain bike from me he just shruged his sholders. From now on I keep my muscle and cruisers and give away the other stuff.
Hey... Good on ya so who was happier? the kid for gettin' the bike or you for giving to him ..I give a lot of bikes to needy kids and some
to not so needy but in the end I think I feel happier than the kid gettin the bike ...its all good !
The Father is the most important relationship in any boy's life and it's unfortunate that his is uninvolved.

Good work on being persistent with the talks and actions....eventually it will pay off.
My neighbor's grandson was riding his BMX bike on the rims because his tires had gone flat and he didn't know how to fix them and dad was no where to be found to help him out. I showed him how to fix the flats, left him with some extra tubes and tires I had and invited him to ride with my family when we rode into town for dessert after dinner. He couldn't have been prouder, especially since he fixed his bike himself and learned how to keep it on the road.

When the opportunity arises, we definitely have to step up and mentor our youth.
i should have him over more often. he's a couple hours away, so if he comes over its usually for a few days at a time. i surpose if he had any manners at all, i'd probably enjoy the visits more. :)
he loves it here (were the cool aunt and uncle with the arcade in the basement, billiards table, lots o cool old bikes etc) but he can be such a pain in the butt. he doesn't enjoy sharing (he's 11) him and his step sister fight for everything. (even if hunter doesn't even want/want to use what ever he's so heck bent on getting.) just a "it's mine, leave it alone" kinda attitude towards everything. he poutes like you'd expect a 2 year old to behave when things don't go his way. things get broken all the time, including his aunt. (na's still laid up from that crash)
i mean he's not spoiled, but he does not go without. ever!

each time he comes over, i can see the progress we make, but after a day back home, its back to moody little hunter.
It sounds to me he might be a real successful person when he grows up he has the right attributes to be a corporate raider or shrewd businessman in todays society. :|
Wow! Job had nothing on you in the patience department! I hope Nadine's better...Do what you can, but you can't correct weeks and months and years of lousy homelife with a weekend of good homelife. So just do what you can...