Does Rat-Rodding mean we are all GREEN?

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Jan 3, 2007
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Yikes! I've spent all of these years rebuilding junk-heap bikes back into Cool riders, Rat-Rods, and Resto-Mods...... and it just dawned on me that such activities put me into the "RECYCLING / GREEN/ EARTH-FRIENDLY " crowd! By doing my thing, I've actually been RECYCLING!!! AAAAaaaakkkkkk!!!!!

Dang it! An entire life spend being a Bicycling Wild-man, co-opted by trendy re-cyclers! GGGrrrrrr

Oh...wait.... what if I paint "Global Warming is a HOAX!" on my bike? Wouldn't that counteract the trendiness? Geeeezzz I hope so!
its still pretty cold here too, my grandma showed me a picture of my dad and my uncle on christmas day in the front yard, with a new tent, playing in shorts and t-shirts, besides when you paint i think that counter acts the recycle-green thing. not that im trying to be anti-green, i just dont care for those kinda politics at the moment.
Ya, I don't buy the whole global warming thing either. I must admit though that the measures that are being taken to counteract it are probably good sense anyway.
GLOBAL WARMING: the time between the sun coming up, and going down...............DUH :?
Firewalker said:
did he really??!! wow! I'm not yet a beliver on his global warming thing...

What cracked me up was the video footage of old Al getting off his 70s model fuel hog private jet and into a big stretch limo...just a few weeks before he won the Nobel prize for his efforts to stop "global warming."

He co-wrote a book that actually recommends people build their homes with thatched roofs....anybody care to guess the square footage of his home(s).

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
*i cant validate any of this but its good for a laugh*

"The Story of Two Houses."

House 1 A 20 room mansion (not including 8 bathrooms) heated by
natural gas. Add on a pool (and a pool house) and a separate guest
house, all heated by gas. In one month this residence consumes more
energy than the average American household does in a year. The
average bill for electricity and natural gas runs over $2400. In
natural gas alone, this property consumes more than 20 times the
national average for an American home. This house is not situated
in a Northern or Midwestern "snow belt" area. It's in the South.

House 2 Designed by an architecture professor at a
leading national university. This house incorporates every
"green" feature current home construction can provide. The house is
4,000 square feet ( 4 bedrooms ) and is nestled on a high prairie in the
American southwest. A central closet in the house holds geothermal
heat-pumps drawing ground water through pipes sunk 300 feet into the
ground. The water (usually 67 degrees F. ) heats the house in the winter
and cools it in the summer. The system uses no fossil fuels such as oil or
natural gas and it consumes one-quarter electricity required for a
conventional heating/cooling system. Rainwater from the roof is collected
and funneled into a 25,000 gallon underground cistern. Wastewater from
showers, sinks and toilets goes into underground purifying tanks and then
into the cistern. The collected water then irrigates the land
surrounding the house. Surrounding flowers and shrubs native to the area
enable the property to blend into the surrounding rural landscape.

HOUSE 1 is outside of Nashville, Tennessee; it is the abode of
the "environmentalist" Al Gore.

HOUSE 2 is on a ranch near Crawford,
Texas; it is the residence of the President of the United States,
George W. Bush.

An "inconvenient truth? "

P.S. I for one AM thankful Al Gore invented the internet, for intentions of badmouthin him :mrgreen:
Anyone see the "South Park" parody of Al Gore with MANBEARPIG? " I'm serial!" At $3 a gallon for heating oil my question is "where is MY Global Warming. :roll:
NOTE: I wrote this after Rat Rod's last reply, considered not posting it, did some work, then decided to post it.

I'll go on ahead and make a somewhat educated argument that's more or less opposite of what's been said so far.

Al Gore is only one of many spokespeople for global warming. He's getting most of the attention (good and bad) having to do with efforts to inform, and efforts to stop global warming because of this. It's the same idea as looking at McDonald's as the example of fast food, and Wal-Mart as the example of discount all-in-one shopping. What needs to be realized is that there are thousands of other people making plenty of noise about global warming on a less than international level. Gore is simply an easy target just as McDonald's and Wal-Mart are.

This does not mean I believe Gore to be a good person. I don't know the guy so I can't comment in this respect. I do respect people who make lots of noise on controversial topics, but don't respect those who then live outside of the ideas they make noise about. If you're going to build yourself a castle, why live in the shed next door?

Fuel consumption does not always correlate with carbon emissions. If it does with Gore's plane, has he taken reasonable measures to reduce the plane's carbon output? Get a plane or engine(s) which are more efficient? Or any of these could be in the works, they just hadn't pulled through yet? Some call this benefit of the doubt, I call it understanding.

Have you read the book, which recommends thatching your roof? Have you tied to follow the reason why he might have recommended such a technological throw back? More importantly is this current advice, and does he still agree with it? Just because he recommend(ed) thatched roofs doesn't mean he thinks house's should be one room with a sheet for a door, no windows, and a dirt floor.

GLOBAL WARMING: the time between the sun coming up, and going down...............DUH
You're talking about temperature change on a small time scale. Global warming has to do with average temperature change over longer periods of time (years). Or you are being sarcastic.

The picture of your parents playing outside or Christmas day makes for good anecdotal evidence. I'll go on ahead and assume this picture was taken in a northern area where it gets cold most Christmases. That is one day out of many winter days from many years. I'd say ask if that is normal. But their answer will be notoriously unreliable and weighed toward the bias of the questioner.

Another fallacy with using that picture is that there are always extremes from year to year. The studies and data supporting global warming has to do with trends which extend for thousands of years, with particular attention being spent to the last 150 years or so.

The differences in climate that are being cited as data are a matter of a few degrees in some places, and fractions of a degree in others. You have a gift if are able to subjectively describe those changes as warmer and colder. If you look for it to be colder, it will feel colder. If you look for it to be warmer, it will feel warmer.

Because people can't subjectively differentiate a one-degree difference doesn't mean the basic biological processes that every organism carry out aren't affected. The intricacies and contingencies at the fundamental levels of life are astounding, and many variable environmental factors are in what appears to be a perfect balance for these processes to occur. Temperature is one of those environmental factors.

I do not know enough about global water and air currents to comment on how they are effected by temperature change, but I will say this: Anything naturally occurring has more influencing it than a first appraisal reveals. In fact, many well-studied natural phenomena are only sorta kinda understood.

Whether or not global warming is real isn't a belief, it's a fact. On average the Earth is getting warmer than it ever has, faster than it ever has. However, what is causing this spike is unclear. There is also a similar spike in atmospheric carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. As often happens this correlation has been used as a cause and effect. It makes sense that an increase in greenhouse gases would lead to an increase in global temperature. But is this really the cause or is there something else influencing the rise in one or both of the spikes?

If nothing else the global warming has brought the concept of environmental stewardship back from the depths and is making people at least consider how they are impacting their environments. Whether it turns out to be as catastrophic is some predict, or as wasteful as others argue, it has at least made people consider their actions on a scale larger than themselves.

End rebuttal.

All that said I'm pretty sure the original poster just doesn't want to be perceived as following trends, and likes to stir the pot. He doesn't want to follow what's perceived as a trend of environmental conscience and stirred the pot with the possibility of his "Global Warming is a Hoax!" sticker.
from a personal stand point i would not say that the first thought in my head when it comes to reusing old parts is to think of it as green. it is more like "wow thats a ....... part i think i will work it into my build. i guess in a way you could say the same about those of us that choose to drive vintage cars rather than buying a new one. sure you could say they are more poluting but then again how poluting is it to build a new car? minning the metal, making the tires, shipping parts from all over the world etc.... would be interesting to figure out. at least it would be a good argument to give a cop the next time i get pulled over because he hates hotrods :roll:
Korporal said:
The picture of your parents playing outside or Christmas day .... I'd say ask if that is normal. But their answer will be notoriously unreliable and weighed toward the bias of the questioner.... Another fallacy with using that picture is that there are always extremes from year to year.

That was me & I agree

its not the average as far as i know, im only 27, only seen a handful of christmas's w/o snow (im in southern illinois). but she did say it was unusaually warm like in the 60s, i just thought that was odd, the wind is terrible hear during wintertime and its always freezin chops. i wasnt tryin to defraud the global warming stuff, i just think people see a hot summer as the end of the world, as far as Al Gore goes it just seems more like a popularity contest than somebody who gives a dagnabit with him. thats where my mudslingin comes from anywho.

I may be a pot stirrer, but i meant it as a anecdote / laugh ... im just a redneck hillbilly for petes sake :mrgreen:
Are we "GREEN", I think we are kinda sorta. Without Recycling of old cars, bicycles, motorcycles, anything, a "Rat Rod" would not exist. So we are recycling and that is "green". But, mostly I think the reason we do "Rat Rod" bikes is because we are builders, building unique objects of our desire, you know, cars, bikes, MCs, everything. Taking somthing old and rejuvenating it, and ourselves. Then after its built we are "green" for riding a bike to places we would otherwise driven. But most of all we're "Smart", because its more healthy to ride and fun to interact with the public when they see you riding a kool bike. And it reduces the DUI chances, often my rides include a stop at a pub. Keepin Kool Stuff out of the dump is good. Oh yea I do recycle aluminum cans that I consume. Yep, I live for "green"....... $20s, $50s, $100s,,preferred.... Dangerous Dan
not too sure if Im "green" but have basically been trading pop cans for bikes! :D :D
Note to Hugo: They are VERY rare pop cans...worth millions!!
Hmmm, should I thread into a minefield subject like Global warming? Let me approach it this way, I'll share my opinion and it will be just that, my opinion. I am not trying to sell anything to anyone. read on and make of it what you want. I know that the planet warming up 1 degree more doesn't sound like much, this is an average on a worldwide scale. Locally however, this can represent variations from 5 to 15 degrees. We are seeing the permafrost melting in the North to the point that it is causing problems for housing(Houses built on permafrost are now sinking). Polar ice caps are disappearing and icebergs are melting at an alarming rate. I'm 42 and at this time 30 years ago, I would be walking in 3 feet of snow, haven't seen that in 10 years. I am part of emergency measures here and we had the chance to meet with a climatologist and things don't look great. We have gone to a point that we cannot go back to the climate that existed prior to the industrial age. When asked if the Kyoto accord could help the situation, this is the answer she gave us: "If Kyoto was implemented across the board like it is written down tomorrow morning, we would buy ourselves 5 years". I was at that presentation 5 years ago, so it is already too late. I do what I can as everybody should without going nuts, I won't be building a house undeground with solar panels anytime soon, but riding bikes and recycling as much as I can will hopefully help things.

That was my green .02 cents.

Peace guys. :)
I guess without even getting into the arguement of whether global warming is man-influenced or not, I'm always reminded of something my grandmother would say... "Leave it nicer than you found it.".... I guess don't understand why people would have a problem with this mentality even if they don't agree with the motivation.
Has anyone ever considered that this might be part of a bigger plan?

Don't want to get too Biblical on ya, but prophecy is being played out. :wink:

And don't get me wrong....being good stewards is what it's all about.

I had to laugh at Dennis Miller recently when he joked about global warming.

"There's a lot of differing data [about global warming], but as far as I can gather, over the last hundred years the temperature on this planet has gone up 1.8 degrees. Am I the only one who finds that amazingly stable? I could go back to my hotel room tonight and futz with the thermostat for three to four hours. I could not detect that difference."

:lol: :lol: :lol: