Bikes at Sunset

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Apr 24, 2007
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With so many fires in the western USA, the sunsets in the middle of the country can be quite vivid.

Lets see your bikes at sunset with the sun in the background. I'll start wtih this Trek Dual Sport in Coralville, Iowa. I'm sure you can do better. I waited too long and used a low grade camera.

Death Valley almost was.
we found a guy there in a wrecked car. He drove it flat until till his rim broke then spent the night in it.
we came upon him in the morning. It was still a cool 93, he seemed a bit disoriented and lost, and so we made some space in our car and took him about 100 miles to the fire department in Trona. He seemed fine by then, just worried about his car, which I took as a good sign, even if it’s a Ford.
Trona is a wild little mining town, and has the Pinnacles which I had never heard of, but were very picturesque, and this idiot did not photograph them. I didn’t photograph the mine works either. The whole town would make a perfect set for a sci fi film, or mad max remake.