Bike Snobs

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Peatbog said:
outskirtscustoms said:
If you bring in a Walmart bike for anything more than a tube replacement he will tell you "the dumpster is out back".

Sad, man. Those cheap discount store bikes probably get more people on bikes than all the bike shops in the world.
Funny thing is the guy who bought that Roadmaster said he had one just like it that he took to Victory bike shop and they said it would be more to fix than it was worth. I laughed and said is it worth $40? He paid me and left with his repaired bike. :mrgreen:
Henry morgan said:
jwm said:
First- That is one wicked cool build.
Second- ignore the fool. He's wrong.

yep what he said ... and next time say something like is that spot on your shirt gray poupon :lol:

I should apologize, it was pointed out to me that some of us low lifes like gray poupon also :oops:
outskirtscustoms said:
That guy is just a conformist and has no imagination, your bike rocks!

+ 2

Your bike is wicked cool. 8) :D 8)

The reality of life is that most people lack creativity and balk at anything out of the norm.
One reason why places like Walmart succeed!
i've said it before and i'll say it again.....stock sucks and restoring is boring.
forget guys like that...kinda....
sometime you can get good stuff from them, but when ya show up with cash in hand ya gotta gotta keep yer trap shut!
if ya even mention that ya wanna customize something often the deal is off.
if ya find a cool bike/motorcycle/car from an old timer be respectful. if he aint into hot roddin or customizing than tel him/her that yer gandpa had a bike/car/motorcycle like it and you loved it when you were a kid(or saw a pic of it when you were a kid) and want to rememberthem.
than take it home and customize the heck outta it :lol:
Thanks for the outpouring guys. I kind of knew all this but sometime I feel like a loner and that no one around here gets cruiser culture. I told my wife the story over dinner and she said basically the same thing; that he was jealous that my bike built up from parts lying around, aluminum plate for the "tank" and a few select new components to put the "cherry on top" was getting more compliments than his $5000 ____ bike ever got. Its funny because I know a few professional bike guys who still seem to "get it" and appreciate the fun and art behind a rat or hot rod bike. Oh well.

I had a Suzuki Samurai, bought for $550, built cheap, mudded and rock-crawled...

That is so hilarious. I totally had a Suzuki Sammy too! :shock: I guess I go for the under dog too. I LOVED my Samurai. I was even more weird than that because my Samurai was a hard top, NOT a convertible. How freakish is that? It was such an awesome rig. It always started when I lived in Minnesota and it got like 35 mpg but was a true live axle 4x4 with low range. They don't make em like that anymore. Mine was the LX which means it had luxury features like a tachometer and rear window defogger (broken). :mrgreen:

CeeBee that cycle truck is sweet.

For those who wanted to see some of my trains, I'll put together a post in the off topic forum.

next time, tell him opinions are like belly buttons, everybody's got one, and his don't look too good under his t-shirt, in your opinion, of course. :D

if that doesn't run him off, there are other parts of the human anatomy you can comment on. :mrgreen:

Great Looking Bike IMHO!
two spot said:
That is so hilarious. I totally had a Suzuki Sammy too! :shock: I guess I go for the under dog too. I LOVED my Samurai. I was even more weird than that because my Samurai was a hard top, NOT a convertible. How freakish is that? It was such an awesome rig. It always started when I lived in Minnesota and it got like 35 mpg but was a true live axle 4x4 with low range. They don't make em like that anymore. Mine was the LX which means it had luxury features like a tachometer and rear window defogger (broken). :mrgreen:

Tin tops aren't freakish, but they are more rare than the convertibles. Through an online forum we started a trail ride for Suzukis and it was twice a year and we'd have over 50 Samurais at the event. Saw lots of tin tops and some cut up into convertibles, that was sad. I had my Sami for over 10 years and it was the most dependable vehicle I had. Nothing too crazy, SPring Over Axle lift, Z-link in steering, 5.13 diff gears, 1.6 engine (upgraded from stock 1.3, went from 63hp to 85), roll cage, snorkel, etc... all those mods I just mentioned and someone would comment negatively on any of them. My SPOA was done with trailer spring perches instead of bough from a vendor, so that was "wrong." Z-link don't stop bump steer, you need crossover steering, so that was "wrong." 5.13 diff gears came from a Sidekick, both fronts so the housing "couldn't handle the torque in the rear" and "didn't cool well enough for road use" so that was "wrong." I had the 1.6 8v engine instead of the 16v with all the power, so that was "wrong." my roll cage was bolted to the body not the frame, so that was "wrong." My snorkel was DIY from ABS pipe, so that was "wrong." Well you know what, all my wrong stuff sure did work right.

Haters gonna hate.
You thinks thats bad, try showing up at a vintage only[but they say all bikes] or schwinn ride with a custom or rat bike!. You'll get a lot of Vintidiots and Schwiners lookin' like some one soured their cheerios! :shock:
You're bike is awsome.
Yeah there's haters in every sport. I once drove a Toyota pickup to a Jeep only off road meet. I just said my Jeep broke down and they reluctantly let me in. All day long my Toyota was called upon to pull some little Jeep up the trail. Funny thing is when I did get stuck nobody would throw me a rope so I had to get out (In the mud), lock in my select hubs (I forgot), and got myself out.
Here's my take on any snobbery a la bike:

Do you like to ride it?
Did you enjoy building it?
Does it give you any problems (that you won't enjoy fixing)?
Does it do exactly what you want it to do?

If you answered yes to these questions , then the snobbolites can take their carbon fiber ED preventing sport seats and place them right up their "high end" bottom brackets.

Here's a fun way to deal with a snobby person......

While they're well into their scoffing of how you've destroyed a classic bike, give them a blank stare for about 10 seconds then just turn and walk away!