AZ Hammerhead by BRD

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Sep 30, 2007
Reaction score
Kendallville, IN
I got the Bicycle Builders Bonanza by Atomic Zombie and when I seen this "Trike", I had to build one for the ride to work and just to be able to ride in the winter months. Mine started as a MTB that was hit by a forklift and a bunch of frames that I bought. Sold some car parts and got the ball-joints off evilbay for $20 (from a banshie) and cut it all up and took it to work to weld. Got more work to do before paint and some matching front rims to find. It is a lot of fun to ride and with the exception of a wobble up front on dry ground, (I'll fix that) it's comfortable and steers great. My wife said "It's like your a mad scientist", then something about don't park it out front. That's how I know it ROCKS :mrgreen:
ow fun is it to ride?
Bicyclerick said:
Very cool. Can you post a picture of how the ball joints hook to the forks?
It's a small 1"x2" piece of metal, pics arn't great,sorry.
I do wanna try putting brakes on the front tires so doughnuts may be easier. Gonna give that "Arab drift" kid a run for it :mrgreen: The bike is heavy but we're suppost to have frez'n rain, I'm there dudes!!!
You need to get a couple of goosenecks, a couple sets of short cut off handle bars and a couple of headlights and you would have a setup where the lights would turn as you are turning just like the old Tucker automobile!
GTCOMA said:
You need to get a couple of goosenecks, a couple sets of short cut off handle bars and a couple of headlights and you would have a setup where the lights would turn as you are turning just like the old Tucker automobile!
I'm on it! I have a gen/headlight that's going on the center, it did make me think of the Tucker too!
I've been riding this thing everywhere, gets looks too. Either "that's cool" or "What the #$%&* is that"! Weight in today at 47 lbs :!: I did get a gen/light and tail light to keep from being plowed down going to work. More stuff to set up and it'll be ready for a leap day paint job :D
Lights and twin rear brakes, this thing is heavy and one brake didn't stop it fast enough. Hopefully it'll be "warmer" next week, I've got yellow paint and some chrome 26"s on the way :!:
I didn't forget this beast, it just sat in the back corner all summer. I do have the frame painted, no yellow though, it's going green. Drab military flat green and looks awsome! Other parts are going to get cast iron gray, I'll get pics soon.
OKAY, On a two wheeled bike, 70 Pecent of the braking power is at the front wheel. I would suggest putting those two brakes on the front! YOU WOULD STOP LIKE NONE OTHER! If you used them one at a time you could turn FAST!
You might want to hook it up so one lever operated both front brakes because otherwise it's gonna spin you around if only one is used.