MBBO 2023 (MBBO #12) RULES

Rat Rod Bikes Bicycle Forum

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Captain Awesome

Lord of Irrelevance
Staff member
Pro Member
Aug 9, 2012
Reaction score
Southeast US
Must meet at least 2 of the following 3 criteria to be considered a Muscle Bike regardless of category:

1. Rear tire larger than the front. (Wider or taller or both)
2: Banana /Polo seat
3: Muscle bike appropriate bars

(Apehangers, Butterfly, Rams Horns, steering wheels, or any other weird variants, etc)

You CAN have all 3!!

  • Start a new thread in the forum’s Build Off section and use the bike name as the post “Subject/Title.” Keep a running journal in your thread about your build.
  • Must include before, progress, and finished photos (all in one thread please)
  • Progress documentation is mandatory! Sprinkling in a photo or two will not suffice. Some form of documentation as things progress are expected to be produced. Lack of can find your build disqualified
  • This is a build off NOT a bike show. Previously completed or mostly completed bikes are not eligible
  • Bike must be ride-able and pedal powered.
  • The build will begin at 12 am North American Central Time on September 1 2023 and Final finished bike photos must be posted in the “Finished Bikes” thread by 12 noon North American Central Time November 30 2023
  • Any questions about the build off must be submitted in the discussion section.
  • Please be courteous to others and do not fill their build journals with off-topic posts. If it continues after a moderator warning, your account will be nuked.

This whole competition is all in good fun. The whole point is to be creative, build something cool and have fun!

Class 1: Super Stock/Mild Custom: For rebuilt and refurbished original muscle bikes or creations that represent the defined “genre-correct” muscle bike traits. Only minor frame changes are allowed (cutting off tabs, structural repairs, etc) Extensive frame mods including bracing and bracketry should go in Class 2. If your modifications are deemed to exceed hobbyist level you may be asked to move to Class 2

Example of class 1 build



Anything that bolts on, including forks, can be modified as much as you want.

Class 2: Super Modified, no holds barred, stretch, slam, built from scratch, do what you want as long as it is ridable and meets the 2 out of 3 criteria

Example of a class 2 build



* Multiple entries from one builder are allowed, but they must have their own build threads and be entered for voting separately

* It is up to the contestants to interpret these rules set forth and enter the correct category and adhere to the parameters
You will need to start a new thread for your build in the appropriate Class 1 or 2 finished bikes area using the name of your bike build



Add photos, highlights of the build, a link to your build thread, etc.

Remember, the FIRST thing in your finished thread must be THE photo you would like used for judging in the Voting Thread.

No finished thread means you will not be eligible for voting so don't miss this crucial step

1 week warning

A request from those behind the scenes

Please refrain from using outside fonts and special characters in your finished bike thread titles. It makes all the transitioning between the spreadsheet and the thread portions far easier. It’s truly appreciated
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