Any creative uses for old bike tires?

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I got some that are unuseable (bad beads etc)

Id hate to toss them if theres something cool I could make out of them.
I threw some old tires of mine in the trees
see if my mom noticed can use them as a smelly necklace, A way to confuse animals when you put a tire over them, A way to confuse your neighbors when you throw them in their trees, Something to run around with screaming the british are coming, Cover yourself in them and call yourself the michillen man
i asked my local garbage man/recycle center if they recycle bike tires and he said Nope! just throw them in the dumpster
and the next day I showed up with a few hundred used bike tires lol... he decided to recycle them lol
I have one for old tubes. cut tube so it makes a rubber band and wrap around your can of wd40 or pb blaster and it holds your little red straw in place better than the piece of tape they hold it on the can with.
hula hoops for poor kids..

redneck horse shoes..

sell them on the bay with a stick as THE AMAZING WHEEL ($9.99)...

cut them up and make a suit and mask fight crime as TIRE MAN..

poke them in the mail slot in the neighbors door..

paint them green and hand them out as the RAT ROD BIKES CHRISTMAS WREATH.. (pending steve's ok)

hang it from a tree and set it on fire then double dog dare your drunk friends to jump through it.. (please get video of it)

zip tie them together and roll down a big hill inside them... (video also please)
Have a tire toss game kinda like hourse shoes but with tires.
Have your brother run back and fourth in front of you while you try to ring the you score points if he falls down :mrgreen:
Throw a couple wheels in the mix and make this...
Inner tube sliped over an exhaust pipe sounds extreeeeeemly funny.

(old back in the day prank)

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