A few of my Schwinns

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Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Mesa, AZ.
Rating - 100%
2   0   0
My "american" Chopper. Started with a 62 Schwinn American frame and a ratty, rusty, horntank, $40.00. Wheels from a goodwill purchased bike $9.92,the bulk of the rest of the parts were obtained through a barter with Larry the bike guy. Total cost about $150.00 (lots of spray cans)


I have had this one the longest,81 Cruser DeLuxe. I had a 2 speed Bendix auto hub, full ducktail fenders with a chrome torpedo light added since this photo. Its ready for re-paint and decals now. Dig that cool route rack!
Sunday wash day

Here are a few I had out to wash sunday.
Me and the Mrs. Cruisers

My 80 Cruiser-5 and Barbaroo's custom 10 speed metallic purple cruiser with pink decals, built by yours truly!

Hey Rick that ten speed turned out great. I'm gunna have to build a ten speed cruiser one of these days. Maybe I will see you Friday if you're at Larry's.
Wat-up Brian!

Hey thanks dude, I have been gone so much lately, It has been a while since I've seen you. I willbe at larry's a good part of Sat. Marty has some projects for me. Larry may know bikes but Rick Knows Home Improvement! :mrgreen: Later & PEACE!!!!
Hey, Nice bikes! How is bicycle Larry doing? Larry is a great guy, tell him Hello from Don McGee, Kansas City.
Cruiser -5

Paint , tires, seat, cables, grips, have all been changed. Fenders were added as they never came with them. Long answer short, no. LOL original color was radiant red and all the schwinn cables were that ugly gray color. The un-relentig sun here in the desert tends to destroy things that stay exposed to it. This model came in Sky Blue and sable Black as well. Later & PEACE!!! 8)