AlumiNaughty: 1935 Wards Hawthorne Duralium, Finished!

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Aug 23, 2012
Reaction score
South Florida
This is a 1935 Wards Hathorne Duralium "Window lug" frame.

I have a few ideas kicking around, so we'll see which direction it takes, but here's the beginning.

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As we secretly observe this
RatRodBikes society and it's said Build Off, we have seen
you're not at all restoring an aged Aluminum bicycle, you are definitely being Naughty.
If in any level of quandary as to naming your machine.
We have held a secret vote
and humbly submit our new suggested moniker for your
Regards, Build On Brother
In Poland we tend to refer to Aluminium as "Amelinium" from a stupid movie where a drunk farmer was trying to explain why you cannot paint it, and that it needs a special paint.:21:

Also a friend a of mine tends to call it "Anomalium" from the word anomaly. :rofl:
Great name, thank you for the suggestion!

As we secretly observe this
RatRodBikes society and it's said Build Off, we have seen
you're not at all restoring an aged Aluminum bicycle, you are definitely being Naughty.
If in any level of quandary as to naming your machine.
We have held a secret vote
and humbly submit our new suggested moniker for your
Regards, Build On Brother