Road Rash

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Jul 24, 2013
Reaction score
Holy Toledo

After rebuilding my first bike in about 30 years last summer, I couldn't wait for this summer to start my second one. I began with a simple 1971 Schwinn Racer "Camelback" frame and ended with a slightly less simple bike… but still pretty simple. I've had a blast with this project and have enjoyed following all the builds. I'm honored to be part of it!:)

Thanks Fordsnake… I didn't want too much stuff getting in the way of wheelie riding;) ( just incase I get the nerve up to try and ride my first one in about 30 years ).
Nice clean build with some cool doodadery!
Doodadery: noun "doo-dad-err-e."

The practice of adding items that are not necessarily needed, but look or feel cool to a bike build. Not always smiled upon by all members of a build-off, but their use is usually reflected in the voting.

You are in the running for the GOLDEN NANNER award!