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Sep 14, 2013
Reaction score
Bradley Illinoiz
Heated Garage? Ah... no. Anybody else feeling the chill? The entry at my place has a split level half a flight up to the house and a half flight down to the basement, and a service door to my garage. (the summertime shop) As the chills set in, it's time for me to make room in my garage for my van and to move my shop down to the basement. Last year it was ridiculous as I also have a worktable set up down there for guitars etc. and the laundry. This year I'm going to try and come up with a decent plan before stuffing my basement with bikes. If I can get it presentable I'll post some pics... Anybody else moving indoors?

I could make room in the basement but I'm too lazy. Bike work on hold until spring.
Other end of the scale here in the tropics.
Heading in to summer at the moment.

Just installed an aircon unit in the shed.
Also have an air outlet with extraction fan right above the bench.

Next step is to cover the roof with shade cloth to take some more heat off


Still, trying to work in the freezing cold is way worse than when it's hot.
I grew up in Sweden and know all about tryin to work with frozen fingers and ice cold tools...
And I don't miss it one bit.




It's just a little box aircon but it's enough to take the edge off.

Roof vent is a "whirly bird" type with an old bathroom fan inside it.





It's just a little box aircon but it's enough to take the edge off.

Roof vent is a "whirly bird" type with an old bathroom fan inside it.


I need your shed...

I work out under the mulberry tree,but if I have to,I can light up 44 drum and use it for heat or I can move into my workshop and use my cheap ethanol fireplace. Heats in a few mins. You can make one very easy, a couple of tin cans,rocks or sand,to hold the cans solid, and a metal case(something with a back and sides.)
Insulate those tin walls man, They are defeating the purpose of the air conditioner!

Unfortunately the job is a lot bigger than that :(

As the shed is attached to the back patio, which needs rebuilding, lifting and extending, the concrete slab ripped up and replaced with paving and the laundry also being rebuilt in the process....

The market is on a downturn at the moment here and the bank is saying an big fat NO to us borrowing the money required.

So for the time being this is how it has to stay.

Our neighbours had their house valued about a year ago, built a patio and put a pool in.
At the time that added some $60.000 to their property.
Last month, when looking at a loan to buy an investment property, they were told it's now back to the previous value even with all the work they did.

I used to have a nice and roomy shop with a gas heater. Now I have a nice and crowded storage building with a gas heater that doesn't get used as often because I have to clear the junk away from it to use it.

I need an intervention.
I like your version of Picasso's "Bull's Head" on the door.
I have a similar one in my garage.

I keep forgetting that I have that old saddle...I should restore it...

This is the heater I use it does very well I'm in a 24/30' garage I also share with my grandmother she puts all her flowers in for the winter and let them go dormant till spring they take up about a 4' section down one side then there is a deep freeze in there to but the rest is mine so it's a good work space but I usually have a vehicle in there to work on since that's how I make my dollars but there's plenty room for bikes the heater is in the house for now our heat pump quit but that all good now so time to drag heat back to garage and go to work
Looks like well organized work spaces mine is clean for now but won't stay that way. Looks like a good shade tree there too
Yes it is but it does get messy... At the moment the leaves are falling,and in spring the mulberries
The hay bales protect me from the wind... But in summer it cool to work under...