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Rat Rod Bikes Bicycle Forum

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  1. F

    Friday night finds

    I am looking for a 3 wheeler myself, nice find on that tandem as well. Man you guys sure can source out some great finds.
  2. F

    this is a hot mess Now with PICTURES!

    Re: this is a hot mess Wow you bike hoard you lol, great lot of parts, frames and extras both older and new style. what are you planning on building or piecing together?
  3. F least it was free

    Any free frame is great, nice find. I am trying not to pick up too many frames because I feel as though I might never stop OR run out of room lol.
  4. F

    Fresno, Ca over here and ready for a new bike build

    I am getting into multiple things and one will be a rat rod bike of sorts. We have plenty of decent frames to build up from as well as some treasures at local auctions, finds, goodwills among others. I hope to learn alot about these bikes while researching this forum. I got stuck in the gallery...
  5. F

    The Rides of benz and his gal.

    that is a really great idea for a long fender for sure. great pics.