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  1. J

    Show Off Your Finished Huffy Cranbrook's and Nel Lusso

    I'm really stunned by all these inspiring cranbrooks! I especially like HudsonGasbike's pics because the boxes look awesome. They gave the bike a vintage look which I really appreciate! I wish I would be so talented to make my own... I have some ideas thought if I would find a cheap one! I found...
  2. J

    Little Honda

    It's not a big motorcycle just a groovy little motorbike.....It's more fun than a barrel of monkeys... hah, anyone know that song of the Beach Boys? Sure you do :P This "passport" looks like a super cub.
  3. J

    The New iPad

    So how much better you think is it than the older ipad 2? I heard the screen resolution is quite impressive. Otherwise I would think it's a near identical experience?
  4. J

    do u guys.....

    New here, but I'm usually sober in front of the computer, I might on occasion be found drunk when im out though :P
  5. J

    How many vehicles have you owned?

    Only one, a Mitsubishi, it was very reliable :P did over 200k miles. And a 2 stroke bike, which required cylinder rebuilds every few thousand miles :P