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Rat Rod Bikes Bicycle Forum

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  1. C

    Convert childs bike to adult?

    does anyone know where to get a decent banana seat in the uk?? cant really find anything online its all in the states and the shipping cost is higher than the seat itself! grr.
  2. C

    Convert childs bike to adult?

    sweet, well cheers guys, think im going to try and get a banana seat from somewhere ... :S think ebay will be my friend? need to find some good bike shops over here (uk) by the sounds of it your guys in the states are almost spoilt for choice?! and also get some ape handlebars(?) and see how it...
  3. C

    Convert childs bike to adult?

    those bikes are sah-weet!! okay, so i know the look, but where do i start? I know i know, im a newb trying to fit in, but would really appreciate any pointers?!
  4. C

    Convert childs bike to adult?

    yeah.. not really sure on the lingo yet! can ya point me the right direction?
  5. C

    Convert childs bike to adult?

    Hey, recently bought a 20" wheel childs bike, and hints tips on making it suitable for a 6ft oaf like me to ride?? MEASUREMENTS WHEELS ARE 20" FLOOR TO SEAT 25.5" FLOOR TO HANDLES 31.5" FLOOR TO CROSS BAR 24.5 " Anyway to move the seat back etc etc? Can uppload a photo if needed. Cheers...
  6. C

    Help Please! Advice Needed.

    just been reading that exact article. but still no closer the truth! i _should_ probably just go for the easy option of white walls but the one i took of today was the all white raleigh record tyre and its looks swish! also, i dont really want to spend too much cash, keep it on the low side if...
  7. C

    Help Please! Advice Needed.

    24"? but that wouldnt fit on the 20" rims... would it?
  8. C

    Help Please! Advice Needed.

    Hi. Let me start by saying that my knowledge in bikes is pretty small... at the moment. I've bought a few rust buckets and done with them what I can. My most recent purchase is - Now it...
  9. C

    My first classic bike!

    hey! how are you getting on? im in the middle of sanding my bike down, alot alot of effort! but will be worth it! any guys got any ideas how to make my bike more 'ratrod'?!? and, out of curiousity, why do y'all love the rust?? my bikes at
  10. C

    Hey from Norfolk UK

    Yeah they are pretty rusted - i dont know what state they should be in before thinking of replacing them? the nipples are rusted in place and dont move which is a pity because some need tightening up. do you have any suggestions as to what paint i should use to re spray? is automotive brand...
  11. C

    Hey from Norfolk UK

    oh okay, its any better? sorry not very good at the whole forum thing
  12. C

    Hey from Norfolk UK

    i got a reply! was beginning to think you guys didnt care! any tips/suggestions on how to turn my rust pile into something to be proud of??
  13. C

    Hey from Norfolk UK

    Hey there guys, Been browsing this site for a little while now and thought I'd take the plunge and introduce myself! I'm Chris, known to friends as Skippy and I'm pretty new to the whole bike scene. I've recently started a blog following me restoring an old Raleigh Triumph, would really love...