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Rat Rod Bikes Bicycle Forum

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  1. X

    New York City bike lane wars, share the road rage

    I almost got annihilated riding my bike through Richmond Hill acouple of months ago. Some jerkoff ran a stop sign a missed me by a hair. Where I live in Ozone Park "Joey Guido" decided it was more improtant to text than to stop at the stop sign and almost plowed me. Bottomline, everytime I...
  2. X

    Some new Mods

    Thanks for the advice. Hopefully they will last me a long time. The rims are Made in Taiwan, so I'm not expecting much out of them.
  3. X

    Some new Mods

    They screech. I can live with it, though.
  4. X

    Some new Mods

    I had to ditch the industrial rims, I wasn't feeling them.
  5. X

    Worksman in the news ... eir-bikes/
  6. X


    I've been a fan since I was 14 years old, I'm 34 now. I have the fiend skull painted on my surf board. I'm gonna check 'em out Halloween night in Manhattan. Should be cool.
  7. X


    Is it just me, or does it seem alot of these lowrider bike distributers don't have their act together. I tried ordering from Battle Axe and I never recieved my order. I called MY CC company and let them deal with it (yeah, I got my $ back). Bucks county took forever to get my products to me...
  8. X

    36T vs. 44T sprocket

    I did some riding today and played alot with the gears on some small inclines/downhills, and flat roads. Like you said I think a 44T/22T give a pretty good range for my bike, so I think I'm gonna stick with it (I have pretty strong legs). Hey, I notice alot of you guys ride w/o chain guards...
  9. X

    36T vs. 44T sprocket

    Right now I have a 44t with a 22T cog. If I went with a 36t and kept the 22T cog what would be pro's/con's verse it I went with the 36/18 like you suggested. As you guys can tell I don't know much about bikes. Oh, any I idea how much my bike weighs, and any god Ideas that I can shed some...
  10. X

    36T vs. 44T sprocket

    Hey, I have a questions for you all. I have a Worksman cruiser which I have with a 3 speed coaster brake and I have a 44T sprocket. Would I have any benefits in pedaling if I drop to a 36T sprocket? What is the difference between having a 44T vs. 36T sprocket with a 3 speed bike, pro's/con's...
  11. X

    Bowery Lane Bicycles Anybody have ridin' one of their bikes, yet? Thoughts? Cool to see another company making bikes in my neck of the woods.
  12. X

    Pedro goes to the Worksman Cycles Factory in Ozone Park, NY!

    Re: Pedro goes to the Worksman Cycles Factory in Ozone Park! Great to see you got a full tour of the building. When I went to buy my bike from them, they were super cool to me as well. Hope ya hit up Howard Beach for some good ol' NY Italian cookin', can't get Italian food like that in the...
  13. X

    Well, since the factory is in my backyard ... %2F17%2F09
  14. X

    Well, since the factory is in my backyard

    Right on, bro! That Tandem must be fun cruising the boardwalk in LB. Hey, did anyone catch ABC nightly news tonight and the story they did on Worksman cycles and acouple of other small businesses?
  15. X

    Well, since the factory is in my backyard

    My most of my family worked in the GM plant here in NY, before it closed in the early 90's. Like most people in my neighborhood which most of it's residents ( and myself) were of Slovak/Italian descent, our families came off the boat to work at the plant. My Grandmother built tanks there...