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Rat Rod

Owner & Founder
Dec 31, 1969
Reaction score
Well, that was not easy AT ALL. :headbang:

Like many of you, I narrowed it down to about 20-25 shots that really caught my eye and then I had to make some tough decisions from there. I may have to do something on the back cover to squeeze a few more shots in.

What I need from each of you is for you to send me an email to [email protected] with the name of your bike in the subject line. In the email, list your name and address and send me the photo or link to your photo in as high of resolution as possible.

A HUGE THANKS to everyone that participated this year!!!!! :wink1:

Here are the top 13 finalists that will make the calendar.









@The Renaissance Man

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:eek: wow!!
So much nice bikes i was not expecting that , i am really honored , Thanks!
Thanks Steve, all great choices. It must have been much harder trying to decide which photos to leave off than which ones to include. I like the idea of adding more to the back cover!

I have to admit that I feel like I stacked the deck with my December photo.:rolleyes: I guess I was the only one planning that far ahead last winter.:bigsmile:
It was unusual to have a good snow in Alabama and even more curious that I happened to have a vintage red bike with green wheels, so it was verging on providence.:cool:
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Yep Great choices, well done to everyone that had their bike/photo included for the calendar and I'm glad that I didn't have to choose.... Before looking at this post I had a quick scan through all of the photos submitted and there are some great bikes in there and with a slightly different angle or even background change they could have equally made the cut. I had a list of 15 potentials that I thought would make the cut, which seven of my choices made the grade!!!

TRM, some great foresight from last year to take the photo - I was in upstate NY last year for Xmas (which is a change for me as usually sitting in 95F+ at that time of year) and it only snowed lightly once!!
Wow I can believe I got chosen to be on the calendar , with all the great bikes to pick from , I am sure that was a very hard to pick the ones for it , Thank you Steve this is a huge honor to be part of this , man I got to get back to the shop and start building again , I hate when work gets in the way of my fun
Very honored and humbled to be here when so many others could also have been chosen. Thank you Steve(King Rat). And thanks to the many people who participate here who inspired and are a part of every image submitted. Rat Rod Bikes-:thumbsup:
I am surprised I made the calendar with so many cool entries this year. WOW!! Thanks Steve. Great choices. I don't know how you narrowed it down.
Thanx Steve,Yeh I made it into a calender...
Would not have been easy narrowing this all down.
Well done to the other page makers...

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