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  1. GuitarlCarl

    What have you been riding lately?

    Six years this thread has been rolling and we've got 150 pages with 2991 posts. Actually feels pretty good being a part of this website. You guys keep it rolling. GC.
  2. GuitarlCarl

    UNLIMITED Singularity

    Yep, it works pretty well. Never had an issue yet. This wheel needs very little to be ready. Still gotta nip the extra off but she's true as I can get just by eyeballing it. Tomorrow it'll hit the bench and I'll finish it off. Today I'm happy.
  3. GuitarlCarl

    UNLIMITED Singularity

    It's not rocketry, but the threads aren't exactly the die I have either 2-56. I know actual thread is drawn out rather that cut in so I've also modded my die a bit by spreading it open a little and wedging a small screwdriver in it. I've used this little guy before with no issues. So we'll see...
  4. GuitarlCarl

    UNLIMITED Singularity

    Ok so when I decided to swap rims and use a different one then what I measured spokes for I figured there'd be a bit of wiggle room. Spokes sre too short to do 3 cross so I tried 2 cross (my first time with that pattern) nope now they're a bit too long, probably 3/8" or so. I'm not...
  5. GuitarlCarl

    UNLIMITED Duality

    Got that right. I know my number is 30" crank center to seat top (where I sits...) and I can lean that crank forward to recumbent territory or more vertical cruiser style. As long as I can pedal comfy it's a bike... if not it's just space in my garage. GC
  6. GuitarlCarl

    UNLIMITED Singularity

    Yeah it has a fairly small chainring. I haven't counted teeth but you can tell looking at it and the old drivetrain rode too easy with the old 3 speed. I spent 90 percent of the time in 3rd. So I will see how she rides with it and decide if I want to switch it up. The Hank and the wider rim add...
  7. GuitarlCarl

    UNLIMITED Singularity

    Here's to hooping I never need one. I'll tear into an old 3 speed if need be, but I've never opened any of the newer Nexus hubs. But it might be nice to have. Shoot me a PM.
  8. GuitarlCarl

    UNLIMITED Singularity

    Speaking of the FoNark, anyone using one of the repop Monark style forks with a motored bike should beware. Look at the last photo, the spring towers have some pretty bad welding and before they painted them they filled them with bondo instead of another pass with the stick or wire or whatever...
  9. GuitarlCarl

    UNLIMITED Singularity

    Also need to go digging around in the gravity shed for a replacement tank.
  10. GuitarlCarl

    UNLIMITED Singularity

    Thank @OddJob I was just perusing the saddles etc. on eBay. Might toss a funky San Marco at it or a cheap knock off big rivet style, not sure yet. I'm also second guessing myself on paint, the fenders are rougher than the pictures show, so might as well paint them to match... I've also got to...
  11. GuitarlCarl

    UNLIMITED Singularity

    The first drive was cooking by the time I had the fifth one wired in. The signal had been looped to regenerate a wave that I thought would hold the grid steady when I dumped the clutch, so to speak, and let it all go down the tubes. A single note had started the feedback and the harmonics were...
  12. GuitarlCarl

    UNLIMITED Duality

    Ah, if I could just really weld.... Your build is coming along and looks good brother.
  13. GuitarlCarl


    You still thinking about a butt protector? I'm thinking it should be a mud flap.... No pun intended.
  14. GuitarlCarl

    UNLIMITED Stacey’s Mom aka the Tall-Goose

    I'm thinking a thick springer seat would work nicely....
  15. GuitarlCarl

    UNLIMITED Singularity

    I've seen a nice burnt orange/brown called root beer that should look good. Clean the fenders and spray them clear will help, gold rims, black spokes. Plus with some of the left over I'm planning to paint a guitar body. Root beer will look great on a Telecaster...